MARCH 2016
'I realised I'm a lesbian while engaged to my fiancé.'
What happened when a non-outdoorsy gal went on an outdoorsy holiday.
Our greatest ever female basketballer just retired. Thankyou, Lauren Jackson.
New Bachelor contestant says Richie has slept with women in the house already.
'We’re finally celebrating our women sports journalists, and sports-lovers are the winners.'
Welcome to the billion dollar wedding where the words 'low key' were never uttered.
Seven ways to make the seven days a little bit more fancy.
'I sympathise with Seven Year Switch couples, I was in a sexless relationship too.'
"No, you're not allowed to kill someone just because they're in your house."
Gayle Woodford: WA nurse resigns after fearing for her safety at remote Aboriginal community.
Professor Nalini Joshi, mistaken for wait staff at functions, highlights gender bias in Australian science.
Domestic violence: Daniel Andrews vows to overhaul 'broken' support system after commission report
"The psychologist I was seeing didn’t pick up on my bipolar disorder."
"I need to stop wondering what happened to Daniel O'Keeffe".
Nurse found guilty of sending nudes of unconscious patients to coworkers.
A day in the life of a Disney On Ice star.
Tips and tricks for travelling with kids from someone who's been through it.
Busting the myths and misconceptions around the flu shot.
Young woman finally wins the right to be sterilised after long fight.
Explainer: what's the link between insomnia and mental illness?
Why are people risking their lives – or the lives of others – for the perfect selfie?
Rebecca Maddern is the new co-host of The AFL Footy Show.
Terrence John Leary sentencing: Convicted killer jailed for Sydney bus stop attempted rape.
"Six reasons I'm too afraid to have children."
'US abortion laws are just another way to make women feel like absolute crap.'
'Camping is not a holiday. The end.'
The way that most of us are breaking up with our partners is outright cowardly.
Sydney siege inquest: Lindt Cafe worker says he calmed gunman Man Haron Monis down.
Today's Natalia Cooper's wedding photos are nothing short of magical.
Peter FitzSimons on being married to Lisa Wilkinson.
Eight 'How we met' stories that will melt your heart.
Family Violence Minister Fiona Richardson angered by 'victim silencing' in court.
"Why having it all kinda sucks."
To my abusive father: I forgive you but I may never forget.
Your body does seriously strange things during pregnancy. Just ask Adele.
"But you got into bed with him!" What everyone said after I talked about rape.
"I'm a paranoid schizophrenic in a happy marriage."
Victorian hospital labelled 'dangerous' for pregnant women.
Fat Sex: What everyone wants to know but is afraid to ask.
Unpopular opinion: "I don't think women need to love their bodies."
'Kim Kardashian doesn't apololgise for being vain. That's where I'm like her.'
'I was walking down the street when a complete stranger called me a slut.'
If you find a breastfeeding photo offensive, you have some thinking to do.
I had a nervous breakdown at 27.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 is here, but is it really worth the wait?
We thought choosing our child's first name was difficult. That was the easy part.
Kim Kardashian throws star-studded baby shower for Chrissy Teigen.
Mel McLaughlin is now the face of prime time sports coverage.
These period tracking apps will simplify your cycle.
Police find body believed to be that of missing South Australian nurse Gayle Woodford.
Why I'll miss my Nana this Easter.
The 8 most annoying people you'll meet at the office.
Women open up about their (terrible) first kisses.
Adele just confronted Jamie Oliver over his breastfeeding comments.
Sam Frost just slammed her online haters with the perfect response.
An 18-year-old describes exactly what it's like to be in a coma.
Dear Sugar Haters, Easter is NOT the time to quit the white stuff.
Ending things with my BFF was the hardest break-up of my life.
"I was a reluctant feminist."
What happens when a baby is born looking nothing like it's "father"?
The mag cover that made Mia Freedman stop buying the last of the weeklies.
Fact or fiction, the poop in the purse has us hooked.
Why '30 things to do before you turn 30' lists are ridiculous.
Meet the couple who retired in their 30s.
In order to claim their identities, these women will have to get divorced.
The reasons you should indulge in a Magnum. Right. This. Second.
Six podcasts to listen to over Easter.
What is it actually like to give birth?
'I chose to tell the unfiltered truth in my sister's obituary. And this is why.'
More women than ever are in the workforce but progress has been glacial
Killing 274 people a day, right next door.
Laurina's ex-best friend has another nasty public dig at her.
Her birth photo was, real, raw and incredible. Until Facebook removed it.
13 Australian heroes you haven’t heard of: Briony Mackenzie and Carmen Hawker - Founding Members of The Global Women’s Project.
“To everyone who I judged for their food intolerances: I’m sorry, and I salute you.”
A story that will force you to consider who'll look after you, when you can’t.
One brilliantly simple trick to make your razor last longer.
Tennis legend: 'Stop following my daughter on Instagram. She has anorexia.'
Meshel Laurie: "How I found my comedy #squad."
UPLIFTING: The beautiful moment a teacher quietly stood up for a student mother.
This is what a pro athlete's post-baby belly looks like.
A man says you shouldn't be praying for Brussels and he's getting a lot of heat.
Not even the Kardashian kids can call Kris Jenner "grandma".
Rebecca Sparrow: "You think we're going to stay home? We're not."
Adelma was walking through Brussels airport with her twin 3-year-olds when the explosions hit.
An aunty breastfed her nephew and people are losing their minds.
Tegan was sitting alone on a Sydney train. And then she realised she was being filmed.
"Alfie will always be our first born. But forever our youngest child."
Major department store's burkini range prompts anti-Muslim abuse.
Come on people smacking is NOT OKAY.
Australian mum raises over $100,000 to build safe-house for abused girls.
Explainer: What really happened in politics yesterday? (With helpful board game references).
A simple guide to get your kids eating veggies.
Sixteen signs that winter is coming.
The three decisions you shouldn’t put off too long.
'I shamed a man for stealing nude photos. And I'm not sure if I'd do it again.'
How medically oversharing led me to discover my endometriosis.
"I don’t regret becoming a stripper. Not one bit."
Chelsea Bonner is making the fashion industry realise that big is beautiful.
If you have $2000, you can see Reese Witherspoon on her speaking tour of Australia.
Chrissie Swan has zero time for critics of her Grand Prix coverage.
"Seven things I would go back and tell myself the day my husband left me."
Tennis official makes sexist comment. Serena Williams is having none of it.
Studies show men like women who wear less makeup.
If your child was drowning, would you know what to do?
Our medical system has failed this woman. We have failed her.
Chelsea Bonner on the size of beauty: Why are models so skinny?
Carla didn't say yes - but she didn't say no. Now she asks: "Was I raped?"
Chelsea Bonner on the size of beauty: Why are models so skinny?
"Do I actually have to leave in a body bag before you take me seriously?”
"On coming out as asexual."
Women share the reasons they last cried at work.
Madonna stopped her Sydney show to slam those meltdown rumours.
Model burnt herself alive because she was too old to work.
The world is furious with Jamie Oliver over breastfeeding comments.
The devastating story that explains why every woman needs a "F*ck Off Fund".
From Olympian to motherhood, inside the world of Lydia Lassila.
"I really liked it when I tried it on in the shop. Then my husband started laughing."
Are you Australia’s biggest cereal lover?
Kyle Sandilands says he helps his girlfriend put in her tampon.
MKR's Lauren on her very personal health battle.
"It's only cute when skinny girls eat pizza."
Unpopular opinion: "I don't think women need to love their bodies."
"A dating app that lets me exclude conservative voters? SIGN ME UP!"
Imogen Anthony talks to Mamamia about the two-year vendetta that nearly destroyed her.
18 women confess to the gross ways they eat food when nobody’s looking.
'My dog makes me feel like I matter again.'
Photos of a woman doing her makeup while in labour have gone viral.
Do you know what unboxing videos are? Your kids do...
“I took my inner-kid out on a date and I'd recommend everyone do the same.”
Since when did being late all the time become an acceptable thing to do?
Khloé Kardashian's house cleaning routine is next level.
Rachel Corbett: “This is who I am and I’m comfortable with it.”
Lydia Lassila; "Motherhood is not an excuse to retire."
The outfit I was wearing when I got told I was "asking for it" is not the outfit I was wearing when I was raped.
"Because the majority of our rapes...are actually consensual sex."
'I know it's a first world problem - but I still think it's outrageous and unacceptable.'
"My four-year-old told me he wanted to cut his head off and die."
In defence of iPhones at weddings.
Instagram is changing. And we’re not happy about it.
Jennifer Lawrence's nude photo hacker has been arrested.
"The F* word, and why I use it around my kids."
'My friend is 20 and pregnant and I can't believe she is having the baby'.
"I am petrified about having my third child. But this time it's not about the labour."
Very, very attractive women reveal what it's really like to be very, very attractive.
'I have an eating disorder. What's worse is my friends and family encourage it.'
Mother with terminal cancer leaves mark on world through new book.
"I'm married and I haven't had sex in four years. Is this insane?"
You think farting at work is bad, let me make you feel better.
The feminist Disney heroine we've all been waiting for.
Female pilot crew lands plane in country where they're forbidden to drive.
Women are measuring their waists against A4 paper.
"Don't call me skanky or dumb just because I'm a grid girl".
Before you slam the Seven Year Switch, look at your own relationship.
Efforts to lower C-section rates leading to forceps-injury crisis in maternity wards, expert warns
#viajosola: Why women should keep travelling solo.
Company tries to sell plus-size shorts using petite model in the worst possible way.
Modcloth has released a new range of gorgeous, affordable wedding dresses.
'I had been exhausted for as long as I could remember. Then, I made the decision to see doctor.'
Why you cannot find 'the one'.
The DIY abortion is making a come back. And it's terrifying.
For Gen Z? Gender is fluid. Sexuality is fluid. People are people. Pure and simple.
10 things you should never (ever) do with breastmilk.
The Miranda Kerr baby photo that has everyone talking.
How to introduce your kids to the taste of vegetables.
ISIS reaches new low in treatment of sex slaves.
The women of SNL said they wouldn't write a 'feminist song'. Except they did.
Melissa George reminisces about her time on Home and Away.
Em Rusciano takes down jerks who say she’s a “disgusting whore” and an unfit mother.
Bella Cruise gives a rare interview about her relationship with her parents.
The five biggest health concerns you should be looking out for with each extra candle on the cake.
"Horoscopes are completely fake. I know, because I used to write them."
Finally, diet news we want to hear. Cheating is good. Real good.
Postnatal Depression: Why couldn't my mother feel my pain?
Facebook suspends users over 'nude' photo of Aboriginal women in traditional dress.
The skinny on skinny tea.
What's it like to be pregnant?
"Mariah Carey, please don't turn your back on your sister, you'll regret it."
"Motherhood is not an excuse to retire."
A matter of fat. How shame is used to control women.
"The onus was on me." Tara Moss on the hardship women face in dealing with online abuse.
7 surprising things that can affect your health without you even realising.
16 things you have to experience before you truly know your partner.
Why do we give up on our dreams when we become adults?
It's 2016. Phones are not for phone calls, people.
"To the mum who is not yet in love."
More than half of teen girls feel pressure to send nude photos.
"My mother-in-law fed my son meat, even though we are vegan."
We chat career highs and motivation techniques with Aussie Diamonds captain Laura Geitz.
It looks like any other Snapchat photo. Then you see it.
Everyone thinks Blake Lively wore a bathrobe to the White House.
Have you ever worked with a terrible colleague?
The man in the ute yelled "disgusting fat pig" at her. Soon after, he was fired from his job.
"It's OK. You're not going insane": A letter to my 21-year-old self.
A high school 'friend' of Laurina's has decided to stab her in the back.
Five women have all-out brawl on a plane. More entertaining than any inflight movie ever.
'I was drugged at a nightclub.' Rebel Wilson shares a warning after a scary incident this week.
Stop! Before you put that star on the sticker chart an expert has said that you might just be harming your child.
"A letter to my first bra: what you taught me about support."
"I'm keeping my name after marriage - and I don't care what you have to say about it."
11 things only embarrassingly loud people will understand.
Newcastle doctor charged with sexual and indecent assault of female patients
"It is heartbreaking. It is a tragedy beyond words."
"Why I'm happy Alan Jones now calls himself a feminist."
Kim, Bette, Laurina, Jo-Beth... The bitching is out of control. So why are we enjoying it so much?
10 things you would never hear a woman say.
Student pens emotional post after sexual assault and murder of two female backpackers.
New research shows 1 in 5 kids don't know where their food comes from.
We ask a personal stylist to choose the best looks for our 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.
Seven mums-to-be from around the world. Seven very different hospital bags.
"The skincare routine that helped clear my skin problems."
"I was pregnant for one day."
"The 19 things I didn’t realise my children could destroy (mostly with their bare hands)."
Those Two Girls (hilariously) present: The uses of coconut oil you haven't thought of yet.
Girls start out so far ahead and then the system lets us down.
The graphic photos that all suntan lovers need to see.
ASOS has a brand new (and seriously cheap) bridal range.
How to update your wardrobe for each season.
A brave woman has rescued herself from a nightmarish attack in a carpark.
How to decorate from the floor up to shape your interior look.
How often do you say, 'let's catch up soon' and then actually organise it?
Trying for a baby? 7 tips for surviving the two weeks to take a pregnancy test.
Jessica Watson: 'People assumed I was fearless, that couldn't be further from the truth.'
"Here's to strong women." GoPro's message on International Women's Day.
Jesinta Campbell: The best asset we have for equality is each other.
Former-PM Kevin Rudd says it's time we "give a shit".
It's 2016 - but women are still earning 17 per cent less than men.
Hayden Panettiere has opened up about her postnatal depression.
Sportscaster's million dollar payout over sex tapes comes at huge personal cost.
Jamila Rizvi: A letter to my son on International Women's Day.
"My child's day on a plate: Three kids, three very different dietary preferences."
Six struggles only pale people will understand.
'I know exactly what Lena Dunham is going through in hospital right now.'
"I can have tits and have an opinion!"
Thank you to the women we admire this International Women's Day.
These are the female heroes we should be talking about.
A 4-ingredient DIY face mask that packs a seriously moisturising punch.
Five issues we need to talk about this International Women's Day.
Meet the incredible women protecting their communities in disaster zones.
Queensland’s Minister for Women on why we need a Women’s Week.
Seven things we need to tell our children about women in power.
Larissa Waters: "In 2016 we should not be afraid to call ourselves feminists – we should be proud."
13 Australian heroes you haven't heard of: Alison Darcy - Former Program Development Manager at CUFA.
Home and Away's Pia Miller has shared a touching photo of herself as a teen mum.
New research shows 1 in 3 Aussie mums face workplace discrimination.
What was the last text you received from your best friend?
Calm down, world. Margot Robbie is not trying to end Will Smith's marriage.
What it actually means when your eggs are 'free-range.'
The penis and vagina cartoon teaching everyone about consent.
"As a mum of two girls, role-modelling womanhood got foisted on me."
A mother of three was told her pillow was causing her headaches. It was actually something much more.
Lena Dunham has been rushed to hospital.
Mia Freedman: "I was heckled while interviewing my hero."
When wedding cakes go horribly, horribly wrong.
Masturbating at work: Why fapping is the new smoke break.
"I uninvited my friends to my wedding."
'I'm fat. My husband isn't and yes, we have lots of sex.'
Why are we attracted to people who look like our parents?
"Six things I did to sabotage my career and how I fixed it."
What was the last compliment you sent in a text message?
Real Housewives of Melbourne star Lydia Schiavello has something to say about her Shane Warne "romance."
Singer Joey Feek has died after sharing her heartbreaking cancer journey with the world.
Please, fashion Gods. Let the cropped, flared jeans trend die.
Do I really need a mother's group? Short answer: Yes.
"Swearing in front of the kids is not a crime."
Experts know the first thing you should do in the morning.
"My first year as a young widow."
To every mother of boys: you can count yourselves lucky.
One straight woman asks four lesbians 14 burning questions.
The amazing photo that proves that no two pregnant bodies are alike.
Laurina Fleure: "I don’t think I'm cut out for motherhood."
“Why I don't need to explain to other people how I spend my money.”
Malcolm Turnbull admits life's great truth. Empowered women get s**t done.
Four reasons why it's okay for your children to see your vagina.
'Laurina's decision not to be a mum is one I completely understand.'
Radio duo Hamish and Andy branded 'irresponsible' after helium balloon stunt just days after an 8-year-old girl died from a helium balloon.
The race to cut c-section rates is having dangerous side effects.
'I have a lover. And it makes me a better wife.'
Alison was suffering terribly from postnatal depression, but you'd never know from her social media posts.
"I’ve never been whistled at. And I desperately want someone to catcall me."
The taxi driver told me: “Women are like honey. They are put on earth to be eaten.”
"Venus Williams can't imagine not having a sister - and neither can I."
Digital divorces could be just a few years away.
Wow I feel old: Why Sex and the City is now a period piece.
The life lessons I learned playing netball.
Man who killed former partner while she held their week-old baby pleads guilty.
What do you call your "period"?
22 week pregnant woman told to "go outside and look fat."
Kelly Clarkson: "My husband is such a great father".
"I'd much rather be a pretty woman than a nice one."
Mel Greig: "My endometriosis caused a mad dash to the emergency room."
'I masturbated my way through my last labour - and you should too.'
MKR viewers aren't happy with the way Dee treats her husband.
“Dad! I’m naked all over the Internet.”
Why is it so hard for women to get justice for online threats?
Holly Wainwright: "This year, I want to live a brave life."
The life-changing magic of not giving a f*ck.
“I just found out my 50+ sunscreen is not enough.”
"Dear Tinder: I downloaded a hook-up tool and now I'm in a relationship."
Jaime King writes an emotional essay, which suggests she's a sexual assault 'survivor'.
Aussie girls need a health intervention. A new campaign will do just that.
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