APRIL 2015
TV star changes her mind about her surrogate child. Is set straight by a judge.
Why I chose an alpha male over my passive husband.
These mothers are in desperate need of your leftover nappies. Can you help?
293 women and girls have been rescued from Boko Haram terrorists.
Woman tweets about hating her job. Is surprised when she loses job.
Selfie stick shaped like arm is world's saddest product.
Yet another woman has lost her life to alleged domestic violence. That makes 22.
The actress who has slammed Bruce Jenner in the name of equality.
5 things you should never say to an overdue Mum.
Oh good. Another celebrity spruiking raw food.
Powerful photo series shows why it's time to ditch the 'girly' stereotype.
She was on the toilet, felt she was being watched and discovered a creepy two way mirror.
Who cleans the toilet in your house? If it's not a man, you need to read this post.
Kim Kardashian talks about Bruce - and she's excellent.
"I went to school to learn how to orgasm better."
WATCH: Mark Ruffalo is asked all of Scarlett Johansson's usual questions, the result is role reversal at its best.
Lena Dunham: "When I was raped, I felt powerless."
Today, women are retiring with $90,000 less than men. And we're not OK with that.
'Beach body ready' campaign backfires in spectacular fashion.
Editor-in-Chief's fashion picks: Winter is coming... so let's go shopping.
What do the lengths of your fingers say about your personality? A lot, apparently.
She showed us her stretch marks, and now Chrissy Teigen is taking a social media stand.
Another woman killed in an alleged domestic violence murder. That makes 21.
Digging Deep, Facing Self; An online writing course to uplift, heal & transform women.
11 once-adorable child stars who grew up to be smoking hot.
"Don't judge me, but... I don't want the hand-me-down engagement ring."
This woman has been charged with fraud. So why hasn't Belle Gibson?
Footballer David Pocock schooled journalist Miranda Devine in one perfect tweet.
The 9 most moving moments in Bruce Jenner's interview about his transition.
Saturday’s news in under 5 minutes.
"The unplanned pregnancy I never wanted."
"After I’d given birth I felt like I’d been in a car accident."
Radio host whose wife had cancer slams Belle Gibson: "So sick it's unbelievable".
Another man has allegedly killed his partner.
Why Belle Gibson can't blame an illness for her lies.
What is this 'MyIdol' app and why is everyone obsessed with it?
Two of the women kidnapped and held in a “house of horrors” for 10 years are speaking publicly.
The actress who played Robin from How I Met your Mother opens up about battling Ovarian Cancer.
Cobie Smulders says she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 25.
Man arrested after woman's body found in boot of car on NSW south coast.
Klaylife chandeliers shine a light on South African community.
The world's 'Most Beautiful Woman' is over 40. But is that really a good thing?
UGH. A radio DJ slimed all over a 20-year-old Jennifer Aniston and it is beyond gross.
Most 13yos are trying to get out of school. Duli is trying to get out of her wedding.
FiFi Box says what everyone is thinking about Belle Gibson today.
Three reasons why you need to know all about Amy Schumer right now.
So, doctors just found this woman's twin in her brain. NO BIGGIE.
'Belle Gibson, you said you cured yourself. I thought I could too.'
Life would be so much better for everyone if these women were friends.
Sandra Bullock has made history in the most depressing way.
Did Belle Gibson's 'tell-all interview' contain yet another lie?
"I never dreamed I would be one of those statistics. This was not the life I had planned."
Christine Milne: 'I can finally talk about being a mother and grandmother'
'My cancer was a lie' admits Belle Gibson
She has a perfect body. So why did she photoshop her flaws?
"You'll always be our little sister and always be our Button-Nose."
He cheated, so she got the ultimate revenge (and posted photos).
She couldn't get pregnant so found an egg donor on YouTube.
The Block couple announce pregnancy after 3 years of trying.
A huge win for breastfeeding women thanks to 'that' photo of Alyssa Milano.
Margot Robbie is (probably, maybe) going to play Barbie in a movie.
In pictures: Ordinary women send an extraordinary anti-rape message.
Hero of the geeks: Female astronaut wears Star Trek costume in space.
Rachel lost her childhood, then her mother. Now, she wants to help to save other Australian kids.
David O. Russell is one of Hollywood's most acclaimed directors - but is he abusive?
Mackenzie Moretter just turned 10. But nobody wants to come to her party.
Prince Andrew is working to save vulnerable women in India.
From India, With Love - Latika Bourke's adoption journey.
"I know my abortion was the right choice."
'My mother was forced to give me up. But it was the best thing that ever happened to me.'
DV survivor Jessica Silva stabbed her partner to death to save her own life.
Julie Bishop chose to wear a black headscarf in Iran - and everyone has a view.
The harrowing physical and emotional scars of people affected by gun violence.
“We don’t need more wives. We need better husbands.”
Kristen Bell: "I didn't think I was going to vaccinate my children."
86 y/o granny of Instagram should be your new life coach.
Nobody's happy with what Samantha Armytage just said.
There are a lot of things you shouldn’t say to a woman who just gave birth.
Nine kick-ass quotes about body image from some of our favourite women.
Inspiring: Meet the world champion cyclist who is living with MS.
"Why I married a man I didn't love."
Successful female CEO says women should never be able to run countries. Sorry, what?
The powerful reason Laverne Cox posed nude for Allure magazine.
Ashy Bines has faced further legal trouble.
An Australian woman overstayed her US visa by hours - so she was detained for 3 whole weeks. Ouch.
Do we need this convicted rapist teaching others how rape ruins men's lives? No, we don't.
A woman had a miscarriage at work and then did something with her mobile.
Beautiful: Everyday women are showing their stretch marks to the world. #loveyourlines
The first time these two women met was on the day this photo was taken.
This mock video of Hillary Clinton media coverage is almost too real.
Prepare to feel disappointed when you type "CEO" into Google Images.
Kim Kardashian has been Photoshopped out of a photo.
We need more women like Jemima Kirke to talk openly about abortion.
No, Hillary Clinton is not "too old" to be President.
It's only April. And 19 women have already lost their lives to domestic violence this year.
Julie Bishop on why Fashion Week is about more than just clothes.
“It's finally dawned on me - I have reached THAT age.”
"I have a sore throat from yelling at my son. Am I a terrible person?"
Pink shuts down "concerned" body haters in an excellent way.
Matilda wore the same outfit every day for 3 years. And it wasn't a uniform.
Lena Dunham on how exercise helped her anxiety.
Mia: “It’s no longer possible to find reasons why any of these women couldn’t be us."
Hillary Clinton just announced her candidacy. And the misogynists are already out in full force.
Alannah Hill is undergoing treatment for cancer.
Words of financial wisdom from the women we most admire. Thanks, Beyonce.
This picture is more than just a d*ckhead in an offensive tshirt.
Kim Kardashian says North West is obsessed with makeup. And now the trolls are out.
Aussie supermodel says her baby played a huge part in getting her back to work.
Julie Hutchinson: Husband charged with murdering Townsville wife.
Men are holding up scribbled-on underwear for an incredibly uplifting reason.
"Since the cancer diagnosis, the old me has been forgotten."
Sign up here for Mamamia and Holden's 'Hold My Hand' magnet.
"Advice I would give to my younger self if I could."
Newsflash: A difference of opinion between women is not a 'bitch-slap contest'.
Amazon pulls 'Rescue the Anorexia Girl' game. But why did it ever release it?
F*ck yeah! Science says swearing makes you hotter, confident and less stressed.
Faustina "Fuzzy" Agolley comes out in a beautiful blog post.
Wonderful baby news for Kate Ellis MP.
Why we need to change the meaning of the phrase, "For a girl."
Steph Scott's sister shares the heartbreaking wedding speech she should have delivered today.
Australian women share their dresses in memory of Stephanie Scott. #putyourdressout
An intimate look at mothers holding babies on their first day together.
"My adopted town has made headlines this week for a devastating reason."
Alyssa Milano furious at London Heathrow airport for taking her breast milk.
Appalling: The Stephanie Scott headline that should never have been printed.
"Guys don't like the funny girl." Cheers, Wippa. Will remove my personality, stat.
Legend woman sues to get her mojo back.
Sandra Bullock's chilling 911 call as man breaks into her house: "I'm locked in the closet."
Stephanie Scott's family should be preparing for a wedding, not a funeral.
Why every woman feels like she has a target on her back today.
Find it hard to settle? Your friends call you 'picky'? Then here's a post for you.
We shouldn't be fascinated by this marriage. We should be outraged by it.
"Today, I spoke to some people who think I'm a freak."
This Facebook post about two women hugging doesn't go where you think it's going to go.
"What our mums never tell us about what it takes to be a mum."
Have you seen missing Sydney photographer Jessica Bialek?
Idiots trying to save baby tortoises have actually been killing them.
How the hell do you make friends as an adult?
Ashy Bines looks great in bikini. But that doesn't make her a nutritional expert.
The new 'spa-like' abortion clinic that aims to do something different.
"So excited, not long now": Stephanie Scott seemed excited for her wedding this weekend, but she's nowhere to be found.
Why we'll keep fighting for same sex marriage: "Because almost equal is not good enough."
'I do not want children. And no, I am not sad. And no, I am not ashamed.'
Wonderful news for Penny Wong.
They're not angels. But the fact they're in an underwear campaign is a welcome miracle.
Cosmopolitan editors respond to claims of racism.
Why millions of people are watching strangers give birth on YouTube.
The pregnancy fashions that will have you looking like Kate Middleton on the cheap.
"5 things I wish I knew when I started breastfeeding."
The tragic truth behind forced adoption in Australia.
Weather presenter dares to appear on TV while pregnant. Receives vicious hate mail.
The Australian model who won't let her daughter wear pink.
When will the bad news end for women's sport in Australia?
How to raise brave girls.
Sometimes being a mum is the worst job in the world.
WATCH: 7 decades of massive songs in 3 minutes. In a car.
A question worth asking the Easter bunny: How fair is that chocolate?
“My husband-to-be isn’t going to wear a wedding ring. And I’m completely fine with it.”
"When I think of rape, I think of a woman walking alone at night. But my story is very different."
12 women on how they feel about themselves. Completely uplifting.
This is what turning 30 actually looks like. According to the data.
Author Melina Marchetta writes a beautiful letter to her foster daughter, one year on.
One woman's stance against losing weight for her wedding.
Yes, Jesinta, 'footy chicks' throwing themselves at sports stars is sad. Just not for the reason you think.
There is only one woman in the Logies Hall of Fame.
It feels like you're alone, struggling through a feed at 2am. You're not.
He saw her on The Voice. Contacted her on Facebook. Last week, they got married.
Giuliana Rancic: 'I'm sorry my disgusting, skinny body makes you feel sick.'
If you are sick of male politicians making decisions about your body, meet your new hero.
"I wish someone had told me my partner was cheating on me."
The doctor who asks: "Do you have the guts to sleep train an eight-week-old?"
Belle Gibson will not be charged over her controversial cancer claims.
Forget Tupperware parties, egg freezing parties are all the rage.
She lost her husband to drugs at 32. Now, she's continuing his legacy in her work.
"So the wedding is over...Now what?"
The humble tampon could save your life.
The school principal changing the lives of asylum seeker children.
Three generations of one family among Germanwings crash victims.
You can now have a vibrator implanted into your vagina.
Want to make that man of yours propose? Positive pregnancy test $20.
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