Each week we will be running Q&As with Australian women doing vital humanitarian and aid work. Women you may not have heard of.
With that in mind, let us introduce you to Briony Mackenzie and Carmen Hawker, founding members of The Global Women’s Project.
What does your role entail on a day-to-day basis?
As The Global Women’s Project is still in its early stages, both of us are really required to be a ‘Jill of all trades,’ so there’s really nothing that we don’t do! On a day-to-day basis though, our roles entail developing and monitoring our international programs, liaising with our grassroots partners, engaging the global community in conversations about gender equality and just generally smashing gender stereotypes all day! We love collaborating and meeting like-minded people and regularly attend events that get us thinking about ways we could be doing things better and how to innovate harder.
How did you become involved in humanitarian/aid work?
Carmen: For me, there wasn’t this one moment where I thought ‘this is what I’m going to do with my life’. I’ve never really questioned that I would fight for everyone to have the same rights I’m lucky enough to have. I have always been passionate about learning new things, hearing people’s stories, women’s rights, global issues and social justice. I want to see equality in my lifetime. It’s as simple as that. I know Briony feels the same and so we started up The Global Women’s Project with a couple of other similarly passionate young women and the rest is ‘herstory’!