JUNE 2016
'There's a dark corner of the Internet. And I don't know why anyone goes there.'
"I think I'm a drunkorexic and I'm definitely not proud of it."
Scarred bridesmaids share the most insane bridezilla requests you ever read.
Unpopular Opinion: "Being a stay-at-home mum is not a job."
Not all single mothers are created equal.
Dress your kids in clothes that'll go the distance this winter.
How to master the pre-loved jewellery trend, piece by piece.
'I manage the Mamamia submissions inbox and I can't believe this is Australia in 2016.'
This woman is knitting from her vagina. No, none of that was a typo.
They married. A month later Nicki’s husband was unexpectedly jailed for 5 years.
"One stillbirth and three miscarriages, all unexplained and no answers. And then we were pregnant again."
"I had two breast reductions. Now I wish I'd followed my instincts."
Turning 30 isn't something to freak out about. Just ask Solange Knowles.
Your 30s are so much more than the pieces of your life falling into place.
"Should I confront my friend for sending a love letter to my husband?"
"How a night owl helped my baby sleep better."
Man who posed as gynaecologist and gave women internal ultrasounds charged.
We need to talk about what just happened on the Game of Thrones final.
Home and Away star Pia Miller's bed selfie proves she is none of us in the morning.
"I realised that empathising with your children is horrible for your health."
"I should hate my boyfriends ex. Instead, I want to be her best friend."
Good news: the three most ladder-resistant tights in Australia are budget-friendly.
24 surefire signs you grew up in the country.
Common health issues you're likely to face and how to deal with them.
You never know what's going on in someone's home. That's why we need family violence leave.
"Those words ‘You have cancer’ were given to me exactly one year ago to this very day. I was 27."
'I was almost raped and when I spoke out, ended up with zero friends.'
The life lessons you learn from being a netball player that nothing else will teach you.
The Young Mummy shares a video of telling her husband she was pregnant.
Delta Goodrem: "I can't wait to be a mum."
Asher Keddie has given us a rare look inside her private family life.
Teresa Palmer: "My pregnancy turned into a potentially cancerous tumor ."
Tammin Sursok and her husband have left behind their everyday life.
Christmas (shopping) in July is real and we're here to help.
"We'd lost our baby at ten weeks. It had stopped growing at five."
"If you choose to get married overseas, don’t expect people to come."
Bonding with your kids has never been more fun (for them AND you).
"My husband's best friend is a woman and I feel sick about it."
"There's a reason I don’t follow the AFL, and neither should you."
You can now have sex during your period without getting, ummm, messy.
We found Laurina Fleure modelling something that's very UN-Laurina Fleure.
The powerful breastfeeding photoshoot that celebrates the bravery of mums everywhere.
Sarah Jessica Parker's twins are seven-year-old. She's only just shared a photo of them.
"What I learned working as a niche porn magazine editor."
The deal-breaker that might have killed off the 'Offspring' reboot.
"Our friend told us she was dying of brain cancer. She wasn't."
From "I'm counting to three" to "Because I said so." What it really means.
In wonderful news, there's yet another part of your body that isn't good enough.
We're stealing some habits from the happiest people on earth.
4 natural beauty oils you have to try.
What does your parenting style say about you?
How to spark your child's interest in learning.
Her husband has just been sent to jail. Why all the hate for Roxy Jacenko?
"My sister died but I don't want your pity."
To the other woman, from the wife of a cheater.
Over 80 and definitely cooler than all of us.
Melbourne GP: “I packed up my life and moved to the country. Now, I’m a dairy farmer.”
Eddie McGuire ‘joked’ that he wanted to drown a female journalist.
Mamamia Confessions: How we lost our virginity.
"I’ve look at it from every angle and I've decided I'm not getting Botox."
Oscar gave his fiancee a $33,000 engagement ring. A week later he found out she was cheating.
Be prepared: the 7 products you need in your bathroom cabinet.
The myth that's ruining your sex life.
"Masturbation helped me heal from sexual assault."
Nine songs you never realised were completely X-rated.
The secret to a perfect first date.
From tomboys and butch dykes to anything goes: how women's image has evolved on the footy field.
The biggest news stories of the week, all in one place.
Welcome to Wikifeet, where you can rate the sexiness of celebrities' feet.
Hillary and Julia suffer from the same curse of unlikeability.
You can do one thing now to stop getting dementia later.
"No one really understands what it is like to be a single mother. I've never been so alone."
"I had just married the love of my life... So why did it feel like I was grieving?"
Everything you need to know before you lodge your tax return this year.
Why the way we portray birth in entertainment matters.
Nicky Champ is our Agony Aunt for first-time mums.
Ashley Graham's latest Instagram photo is one we all needed to see.
Make your new hair colour your calling card.
Tracy Bevan's heartbreaking and honest confession: "I wanted to kill myself".
You want to look away from these pictures of Reeva Steenkamp. Don't.
The thing no-one is prepared to say about Meg Ryan's face.
Rebecca tried to strengthen her pelvic floor. Instead she burned the inside of her vagina.
The DeCinque twins are almost identical in every way. But almost isn't enough.
"So Taylor Swift moved on after two weeks. That doesn't make her a sl*t."
"20 things men have actually said to me in the bedroom."
Doctors say describing breastfeeding as "natural" is fuelling anti-vaxxers.
"I realised I was a victim of domestic violence when my partner refused to speak to me for two weeks."
The food challenge that will help you cut down on your grocery bill.
A psychologist walks us through parent-child power struggles.
"Natural" and "organic" beauty products: what are they really?
It takes a village to raise a child. But why is it so damn hard to ask for help?
A fitspo mum gets real about her body six weeks after giving birth.
EXCLUSIVE: 'What man would want to be with me now? I wasn't a ray of sunshine on Seven Year Switch.'
The Orlando massacre and the dangers in the 'lone wolf' explanation.
Women under 35 at greatest risk of anxiety.
Matilda star Mara Wilson reveals she's embraced her true sexuality.
Editor’s picks: First birthday present ideas, because who knows what a one-year-old actually wants.
10 things not to do when you get a tattoo.
The 9 best things about being an adult (yes, your teenage self is judging you).
Target workers have had to defend a breastfeeding mother from an abusive man.
'I witnessed my twin sister being attacked on the street, and I was paralysed.'
Sam Bloom: "I was grieving for me. The old me who died.”
Amber Rose just can't resist taking a swipe at Kim Kardashian.
The real reason we hate our mothers-in-law.
"I was too old for braces, I thought. I’ve missed my chance."
'Forget being nice. I'm learning how to be more confrontational.'
"At 28 years old I felt I was going on 100, washed up, already over my career."
When you volunteer for the bake sale and they say everything is 'under control'...
Dear Kim, please shut up about your workouts. We know it's all fake.
"14 things I’m going to do once I retire from breastfeeding."
Five things your mammographer wishes you knew.
'My demons forced me to squeeze my daughter's feet into shoes a size too small.'
The viral wedding video that has the world, and the groom, in tears.
Volunteer parent committees have gone mad and the leaders are acting like bosses.
Turn problem skin around in one week.
Listen up, your 20s are not your most important years.
'Committing career suicide was the best decision I ever made.'
Actress Teresa Palmer tells why she needed boundaries with friends.
A stranger called my double mastectomy a "bad boob job."
The story behind Australia's Olympic rugby sevens win.
Star Wars actress Daisy Ridley says her self confidence is "in tatters" after battling endometriosis.
The week in politics for sleep-deprived mums: Gender is on the agenda.
Providing a 'Safe Place to Call Home'.
Sarah Hocking was a first time mum. Nine days later she was legally blind.
Seven Year Switch's Cassie shares a beautiful, body positive bump shot.
We need to tell our daughters about the importance of Hillary Clinton's nomination.
Tired of spending $$$ on dresses you wear once? Briella found the best solution.
“I’m 35. Today is the day I realised I was raped.”
Roxy Jacenko celebrates her birthday with a gift fit for a PR queen.
The cast of Girls has just delivered a powerful message about sexual assault.
#FitMums are taking over Instagram.
"It's a two minute job that could save your life. Why wouldn't you do it?"
Three in every 20 women will develop vulvodynia - but we still don't know why.
The funding change all Australian women should be worried about.
You haven't seen decadence until you've seen the bridal shower of Salim Mehajer's sister.
How two women took their businesses global, then shared everything they knew.
4 recipes to trick friends and family into thinking you’re a master Mediterranean chef.
She's a lingerie blogger who gets abused every day. Now she is fighting back.
Illawarra vocal coach speaks out about living with an eating disorder.
We're answering all the questions about these three little letters.
10 things all mums of toddlers have experienced.
Sam Frost's best selfie to date is also her realest.
"I'm part of the dissatisfaction generation, but I've discovered the secret to happiness."
Michelle Obama's United State of Women video is peak #squadgoals.
6 things every grown woman should have in her fridge.
“Every time I hear about another woman being killed by her partner I freeze, terrified it’s you.”
Skye Wheatley admits she rushed into breast augmentation surgery.
'They raped me but I was the one who became known as the slut who had a threesome.'
Thank you to The Young Mummy for saying goodbye to the 12 week pregnancy rule.
Stop making rules for gift giving at celebrations.
Yassmin: "I am sick of people using my religion to tell me how to dress."
Hundreds of CEOs camped out in the cold. Help them help others.
Dreaming of a holiday? It's now in reach.
We bust four myths and misconceptions about dairy.
"Amber Heard was courageous to speak out about abuse. We've failed her."
"The world is calling Taylor Swift a failure. She's not."
The moment actress Teresa Palmer realised she needed to escape her comfort zone.
"I'm having an affair with a married couple."
If you thought one wedding was hard enough, this couple got married 38 times in 83 days.
Adele loses it when she realises she knows fan she invited up on stage.
Nepalese girls post pictures of things they aren't allowed to touch during their period.
The 5 most annoying types of Instagrammers.
"My life since taking one year off alcohol."
"It's getting harder to defend The Footy Show."
STOP deducting childcare fees from the mum's salary only.
Amy Schumer just shared a half-naked selfie. A bottom-half naked selfie.
Six ways to reduce your food waste.
"To all the nurses out there. I want to say thank you."
The bed-time routine that will help your kids' development.
Madison Missina explains why women in the sex industry opt for long hair... and no pubes.
Botched 'breast implants ruined my life.'
"Sorry, I've lost it." ABC weather woman erupts into a fit of giggles live on air.
Finally, a glimpse into Kate Middleton's parenting style.
Kathie Brooke was insecure about her body. So she got naked and on a horse.
Conner Rensch once weighed 123kg. Now she's halved her size.
Why we need to address the eating disorder no one talks about.
'I lost my virginity to a male escort.'
"I was more worried for the sake of my baby." Karen Merrill had the flu during two of her pregnancies.
Geordie Shore's Gary thinks Charlotte should have kept her ectopic pregnancy "private".
Domestic violence has killed 31 women in Australia so far in 2016.
'My close friend is a sex worker, and I say good on her.'
"Why women really should watch State of Origin tonight."
"Investing in myself makes me the mother I want to be."
Shopping for kids? You need the lifesaving three E's.
The undeniable politics of playdates.
Tammin Sursok writes about the things she wasn't warned about before she had a child.
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