"Why I didn't marry my best friend".
Devastating: This week has been crippling for Australian women's sport.
17 reasons you're not getting enough sleep at night.
Little Miss Sunshine throws major shade at the boy who broke her heart.
'Single' is a relationship status in its own right. Not a waiting period.
Dear men: "Don't approach me in the street. You don't have that right."
Sorry to break it to you - but you’ve been moisturising wrong.
Pakistani actress sentenced to 26 years in jail for "malicious acts of blasphemy".
The 3 best conversations we've had this week.
Straightforward kid shocks newspaper with brutally honest quote.
Whatever you do, don't call Melissa McCarthy's new clothing line 'plus' size.
This newsreader's listeners have no idea she is blind and has limited sense of touch.
What it's really like being targeted by the school gate mummy mafia.
An Indian teenager was "punished" simply for fighting off the men who tried to attack her.
Michael Phelps' girlfriend, born intersex, has revealed details of their relationship.
"I had accepted that this is the way it would always be."
It was either her life or that of her unborn child. So she made the ultimate sacrifice.
How to get an AVO in Australia: a step-by-step guide.
9 things you should never say to a woman who is about to turn 30.
10 ways kissing can improve your health.
Natalie Imbruglia talks about skincare and the perfect Sunday morning.
Got boobs and a job? You deserve better than this.
This is what it's like to be overweight in public.
"I got goosebumps when Luke Batty died. Because I could see the same thing happening to my girls."
The break-up letter every woman should write.
This is why you're tired all the time.
Which foundation brush suits you and your makeup?
These women are willing to be arrested for what they believe in.
She agreed to have sex with him. But this man is guilty of rape.
Sex in the delivery room: Yes it happens, and more regularly than you'd think.
Actress Tessa James shares a beautiful positive selfie during cancer treatment.
These 1970s LEGO instructions are real and they're AMAZING.
Look: The breathtaking beauty and bravery of a double mastectomy.
"I'm 33 and childless: what should I do?"
"One day I woke up and I had lost my mind"
She was publicly stripped and beaten for wearing a mini-skirt.
Hero, Shocker and Whinger of the week.
This woman with HIV is one tough mudder.
Chrissie Swan speaks about shock radio axing.
How to wear your pyjamas in public... and get away with it.
21 things no one told us about being a Stay At Home Mum.
Bec Judd's formal photos. Yes, they are as excellent as you imagine.
Brittany Maynard’s husband has described his late wife's last day.
"The last time I had this body, I hated it. Now, I couldn't be more proud."
"Cancer may take my life, but it can't take my friends."
"Today, I stand with every woman who is honest about motherhood or mental illness".
Reese Witherspoon said a thing about Renee Zellweger's face.
'"You have to be that perfect, happy mother. The reality is, it's not always like that."
This man has a private message for his wife's delivery nurse.
Confession: "I can’t stop sex-bragging to everyone around me".
She was murdered by her brother, father and two dozen others. Now they've been sentenced.
The problem with saying 'all women are beautiful'.
Toxic Shock Syndrome almost killed 24-year-old Joanna Cartwright.
Bravo Vogue, for publishing photos of gorgeous big girls in undies.
The letter you've always wanted to write to the person who pushed in front of you.
A disgusting amount of bacteria enters your mouth every time you kiss someone.
"Other women's bums are ruining my time at the gym."
The seven-letter word women are using to torture themselves.
Jessica Alba was a brunette. Now she has blonde hair.
Family violence has claimed another life.
"The kids at school told me I'd never have sex, never mind get married."
The 9 best excuses to stay at home with wine and friends.
The woman who Photoshopped herself into all her mum's memories.
$6000 a day? No wonder this work is addictive.
The police officer told the child sex offender: "Do it with someone your own age next time."
They said she was too old for a bikini. Her response makes us want to fist pump.
Rebekah Marine has one arm. And she's a gorgeous, successful model.
You need to see the Christian film version of Fifty Shades of Grey.
13 problems only terribly unfit people will understand.
UPDATE: Chrissie Swan responds to radio shock.
There’s a Facebook for mums and you should probably (definitely) be on it.
VIRAL: There are breakups, and then there's this.
True Heroism: Australian nurse Kim Izon is risking her life to stop the worldwide spread of Ebola.
Don't sit on public toilet seats? You will after this...
Emma Freedman is STILL copping flak for this hairstyle.
Brisbane sex workers tell of their G20 boom.
Is drinking while pregnant about to become illegal?
Abdominal separation: The pregnancy side effect we don't hear enough about.
Historic celebrity looks you can copy from the Melbourne Cup.
What did our Happiness Survey have to say about you?
Best and Worst: Come and tell us how your week's been.
A woman is selling her uterus on ebay. The reason why is tragic.
TANYA PLIBERSEK: "Why I'm a feminist".
Abby was just 23 when she was diagnosed with HIV.
"Sorry leg, it's not you, it's me. And you've got to go."
Did this guy actually just pick his nose and wipe it on a stranger's head?
Watch as 4 different men try to trick this drunk girl into going home with them.
Sports journalist to NRL CEO: "I will never be silent on domestic violence."
NEWS: One doctor sterilised 83 women in 5 hours. And now 10 women are dead.
8 signs of pregnancy before a missed period.
This bra does something awesome, but only when you bump boobs with your sister.
He spent $85,000 on the proposal. Here's the moment she said no.
The lazy, disinterested woman's guide to more orgasms.
Nice try, but even sex toys can't make a visit to a kids' indoor play centre fun.
The SMS telling her she had HIV said "I hope you remember me forever".
OPINION: "We wish this social media campaign didn't have to exist."
Robyn Lawley's message to young women everywhere.
This 2-year-old is actually the funniest person on Instagram.
UNPOPULAR OPINION: "I don't care about your wedding"
A daughter, a sister, a friend is gone today. All because of one tiny, deadly pill.
If you only share one thing this week, make it a message too important to keep to yourself.
For everyone who's had a non-human best friend.
Someone made a life-sized Jennifer Lawrence cake because why not?
NEWS: A reporter reportedly asked her to put on lipstick. What she did next made us cheer.
OPINION: 14 reactions to my "I had an abortion" post.
7.30 host Leigh Sales talks about her most embarrassing moment, irrational beliefs and guilty dislikes.
Mia Freedman takes us back to her rebellious teen years.
Women are now getting pubic hair transplants.
Kate Moss has invited you over for tea to talk about Kate Moss.
Sport on Saturdays: Why isn't this woman a household name?
VIRAL: There is a show called 'Sex Sent Me to the ER' and it is amazing.
NEWS: Such a loss. Misogynist "pick-up artist" kicked out of the country.
The Australian politician's domestic violence comments that made us all cringe.
FROCKWATCH: The week that 'racewear' took an interesting turn...
She was taking birth control until the day she unexpectedly gave birth.
Why are millions of people watching this woman brush her hair on Youtube?
Keira Knightley poses topless, refuses Photoshop, wins at life.
Are you the 'Default Parent'?
The graduation photo that had us grinning from ear to ear.
OPINION: Why all women should be cheering Julie Bishop.
Chilling new footage shows ISIS fighters selling girls at a market.
Lingerie brand takes crazy radical step of not making women feel sh*t about their bodies.
How to make your wardrobe work harder this season.
"Straight people say the strangest things."
Sickening: A men's rights group has hijacked the "White Ribbon" campaign.
Brittany Maynard has made her choice. Yesterday, she died with dignity.
5 ways to look younger. (No yoga or kale required).
Women with actual PhDs review 'sexy PhD costumes' on Amazon.
A very, very different kind of abortion story.
Hero, Shocker and Whinger of the week.
Yumi Stynes and her hair journey (with a little bit of Osher's in there too).
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