
One straight woman asks four lesbians 14 burning questions.

Picture, left to right: Faustina, Lissy marrying Nicky, and Jo. Source: Supplied. 

Happy Mardi Gras, I have some questions.

That’s how Monique Bowley started on her project to make a podcast where a straight woman – her – got to ask some excellent gay women – you’re about to meet them – the questions she’s always had about women who love women but was too afraid to ask.

Afraid to offend. Afraid to upset. Afraid to seem dumb. Afraid to look like a massive dick (insert dick joke, here).

Discussing Mardi Gras on Mamamia Out Loud last week, Mia, Kate and Monz put out the call to gay listeners willing to hear her out.

And our podcast listeners answered the call.

We spoke to gay women from far and wide. We received anonymous letters, stories and emails.  From those in the closet to those long out. Among them, the host of Video Hits, Faustina Agolley, who told us she’s still working it all out.

Faustina Agolley

Monz asked and asked. She asked questions like, “What’s it like to fall in love with a woman?”

“Do lesbians tell jokes about straight people?”

And:  “How do you feel when you see straight girls kiss each other to titillate men?”

That last question got Lissy Elliot, a 41-year-old mother of two, and our self-described “lesbian correspondent”,pretty fired up. Listen to her response here: (post continues after audio)

“Why do some lesbians dress ‘like men’?”

“What every-day discrimination do you face?”

“What does a vagina taste like?”

From stories of first loves to how it feels to have your own wedding seen as “less real” than your straight friends’, the result feels like a moment walking in each other’s shoes that fits the spirit of Mardi Gras perfectly.


Listen to the full bonus episode in itunes, or here:

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