
Kim Kardashian says North West is obsessed with makeup. And now the trolls are out.

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and their daughter, North, sit front row at the Alexander Wang Fall 2015 fashion show. (Image: Getty)

Kim Kardashian is no stranger to controversy, and her recent remarks about her daughter’s love of makeup have turned hearts as black as the baby fashionista’s wardrobe.

The 34-year-old told Elle that her toddler daughter, North West, is “obsessed” with her makeup bag, because “she loves makeup.”

Related: Everyone is talking about this controversial 5-year-old beauty blogger. 

“I give her my makeup bag and it’s empty. And if I just turn around for one second, she has my lipstick like all over her face,” Kim explained.

North West applies makeup to the face of her famous mother, Kim Kardashian. (Image: Instagram)


“So I have to give her her own little makeup bag. She’s obsessed with makeup and watching me get ready and getting ready herself. She could not be more ultimately girly-girl.”

It’s so easy to be outraged by a comment like this. And many are. On the original story, one commenter wrote, “She is stupid and ridiculous.”

A commenter also said on a similar, Daily Mail story,  “Can somebody explain to me how can a child of about two years old be obssessed with fashion and makeup? I have missed this one on children psychological development??” (Post continues after gallery.)

Well, I have the answer to that. A child of about two years old can become “obsessed” with fashion and makeup, because they watch and copy those around them.

I know this, because I have a daughter who is around the same age as North West. My daughter also loves fashion and makeup, and it’s one of the many things that I love about her.

Sure, some will cry, “Sexualisation!”, and ask why North West is playing with makeup, when makeup is designed to make women look sexually alluring.


And many may question why North is playing with gender-specific items like makeup, when she could be exposed to age-appropriate, gender-neutral toys, so as to foster her mind and intelligence, rather than enhance a gender stereotype of being a “girly-girl”.

Related: 14 tips for doing makeup when you have a toddler in the house.  

Kim Kardashian plays with her daughter before a fashion show. (Image: Instagram)


It's easy to judge when you're looking at Kim's life on face value, but consider this: In my daughter Emmy's life so far she's watched me in many different roles. She watches me cook, she watches me work, she watches me as I use our toolbox to repair things around the house. And every morning, she has watched me put on my makeup.

Emmy has copied many of my actions, from pretending to talk on a phone to pretending to put on makeup. She also has her own interests. She loves inventing and performing dances, something for which I have zero gifts.

Related: Carla GS asks, "Can runway makeup work in real life?" 

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and toddler North light candles in an Armenian church. (Image: Instagram)


I know this is super-biased, but I also think my daughter is smart. From the age of four months, she started talking, and now she has an extensive vocabulary and can even speak in sentences. She loves reading, and she loves stacking and organising things.

Emmy also loves makeup and fashion.

Related: “My daughter asked me why I wear makeup. This is what I said” 

When I was writing my story on balm stains, Emmy relished sitting next to me on my bed, pulling the lids off the lip crayons and trying to use them. She tries to put my lip balm on for me, and she also likes to put blush on her cheeks.

North West smells a flower. (Image: Instagram)


She has these little pink (fake) ugg boots that she insists on wearing, even though it takes me forever to ease them onto her chubby feet. She has also insisted on wearing sandals which are a size too small, which she loves because they are silver and sparkly.

Related: MIA: “My daughter cut her hair off and made me proud”  

Makeup and fashion are just two of Emmy’s wide-ranging interests. To me, she’s still the smart, independent little girl with big feelings. We just happen to share a love for makeup and fashion.

Kim Kardashian captioned this photo with: "Northie was so proud of all of the eggs she found! She wouldn't stop talking about it all night!" (Image: Instagram)


I love beauty products, and that doesn’t make me a better or worse mother. It makes me a woman who has an interest in something. I still wake up in the middle of the night and give Emmy cuddles when she needs them. I still kiss her belly every time I change her nappy. I still read to her, and try to teach her about the world surrounding her.

Related: The 17 scents that will take you straight back to the ’90s.

I laughed when I read Kim Kardashian’s comments about North’s forays into fashion and makeup, because I related so much. North West looks healthy and happy, and she’s always dressed appropriately for the temperatures she’s in. Let’s stop judging other mothers, and try to celebrate and support them instead, regardless of whether they are famous or not.

And, let’s face it: a toddler playing with makeup is super cute. Don’t even try to argue with cute, because cuteness always wins. Especially when it comes to the internet.

SO. CUTE. (Image: Instagram, @darcytheflyinghedgehog)


Check out our gallery of celebrity mums and their kids, playing with makeup. Awwwwwww...



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