
The first time these two women met was on the day this photo was taken.

Another day, another testimony to the awesomeness of the internet.

Earlier this year, three friends from Ireland set out on a quest to locate their doppelgangers.

Niamh, Terence and Harry posted a video to YouTube asking for help to find their “twin strangers from anywhere in the world.”

They gave themselves one month from March 30 to find their look-a-likes — and it wasn’t long before the submissions started pouring in.

Related content: Gay twins come out to their dad in emotional phone call.

After only two weeks, Niamh had the opportunity to meet her twin stranger Karen — and the similarity is amazing.

Not only do they look identical — they decided to take it one step further and do their hair and make-up to really weird us out.

Mind. Blown.

Do you have a twin stranger?

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