
Matilda star Mara Wilson reveals she's embraced her true sexuality.

Mara Wilson, the actress best known for her roles in MatildaMrs. Doubtfire, and Miracle on 34th Street, has discussed her sexuality via a series of tweets.

She opened up to her 276,000 followers about her grief in the wake of the attack on Orlando nightclub, Pulse, and reflected on her own experiences within the LGBTQI community.


The shooting, which had occurred earlier in the day, clearly hit close to home for Wilson. Opening up to her fans, she shared an image of herself in a gay club at 18.


The now 28-year-old then praised gay clubs for making her feel welcome.


She wrote that she’s never had a better experience at a club since – and that while other gay clubs didn’t always make her feel like she belonged, the community at large always did.

Of course, many of her followers were curious as to what she meant when she said she ‘learned something’. Some Twitter users asked whether she was referring to her sexuality.

Unsure what LGBTIAP means? Post continues after video…


Wilson responded by referencing the Kinsey Scale, a measurement designed by sexuality researcher Alfred Kinsey. The scales ranges from zero to six, where zero describes a person who is exclusively heterosexual, and sex describes a person who is exclusively homosexual.

A number of Wilson’s followers weren’t satisfied with this response, and took issue with her use of the Kinsey Scale (which pointed to her being ‘mostly straight) rather than embracing the highly stigmatised labels the LGBTQI community are working to empower. But Wilson wrote back, clarifying that she does indeed identify as bisexual/queer.


Wilson’s tweets are evidence that the darkest of times can lead to important conversations.

Hopefully Mara Wilson’s discussion about the devastation of the Orlando attack, and her own sexuality, goes some way towards normalising those who identify as LGBTQI and validating their reactions to the recent atrocities.

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