
Be prepared: the 7 products you need in your bathroom cabinet.

Terry White Chemists
Thanks to our brand partner, Terry White Chemists

‘Be prepared’. It’s not just for girl scouts, it’s the motto of mums everywhere. Being prepared when it comes to illness and injury can mean the difference between a quick resolution and driving around at all hours of the night looking for a 24-hour chemist (not fun with a teething baby, trust me!)

After three children I’ve worked out that it pays to have a few ‘essentials’ in the bathroom cupboard for when the bugs come knocking, or your child decides to ‘fly’ off the couch at 8pm on a Sunday night. To save you the emergency dash for supplies, here’s a list of products every mother should have in her bathroom cupboard. You know, just in case.

1. Band-Aids and first aid.

I know, I know, this one seems kind of obvious but once your kids start moving, you’re going to want some first aid supplies in the house. I’m talking plasters, antiseptic cream and splinter probes (especially if you have boys who like to climb trees). Grab yourself a basket and have a wander up the first aid aisle, chances are you’ll use it at some point. Obviously plasters featuring Disney characters make ‘ouchies’ feel so much better than the normal ones but if your partner is anything like mine, you’ll probably want a box of plain ones on hand too!

2. Electrolyte replacement products.

I cannot tell you how many times having a box of these in the freezer has saved my family, especially when the kids decide to be generous with their gastro germs. Most mums will agree that once your child starts childcare or preschool, the first year is a killer. It seems that almost every week you’re dealing with a new illness. And yes, they will pass it on to everyone else in the family. The last thing you want to be doing is driving to the chemist to find electrolyte replacements when your tummy is uneasy. Do yourself a favour and grab a box, stick it in the freezer and hope you don’t need them. (You can also get these kinds of products in a flavoured drink which is handy to have in the back of the pantry).


"I cannot tell you how many times having a box of these in the freezer has saved my family." Image via iStock.


3. Pain relief (essential).

So essential they shouldn’t let you leave hospital without having a bottle on hand. For some reason teething babies are worse at night and when you hear that ‘pain’ cry you’ll do anything to make it better, fast. Fevers are also a big concern for mums and having just spent the last week with my eight-month old hitting the big numbers on the fever scale, I can’t tell you how happy I was to have some paracetamol on hand to deal with it.

4. Vapouriser/humidifier.

Before I had children I had no idea what a vaporiser was but nowadays, I wouldn’t be without one. When you’ve got a congested, snuffly baby or child who’s finding it hard to breathe, being able to plug in a vaporiser can make all the difference and allow you all to get some much needed sleep. I also used mine while pregnant to deal with a sinus infection and it worked wonders. Plus, my house smelled like a eucalyptus forest!


A vaporiser can make all the difference when you have a congested or snuffly baby. Image via iStock.

5. Head lice treatments.

Oh one of the many joys of preschool, I have recently discovered. With new friends come other new friends (and these ones you don’t want!). Keep a specially designed nit comb and nit treatment in the cupboard to deal with the problem quickly and effectively before everyone starts scratching. (I’ve also recently discovered that you can get preventative sprays to mist them with before they go in the morning. Get one of those too!)

6. Vitamins.

You know what they say, prevention is better than cure so it’s worth talking to your pharmacist about whether a specific children’s vitamin could benefit your child’s immunity and overall health.


Prevention is better than a cure. Vitamins come in handy liquid or chewable forms for children, thank goodness. Image via iStock.

7. Formula.

Even if you breastfeed, it is a good idea to keep a small amount of formula in the house, just in case. If you get sick and need medication that’s not suitable for breastfeeding, knowing that there’s something in the house for baby can ease the pressure. It’s also great if you’ve left bub with someone else and are running late while your carer has no means to get to the shop because you have the car with the only car seat in it (again, experience).

What must-have items do you have it your bathroom cabinet?

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