I have heard this same line uttered by many bright and intelligent women I know: ‘After I deduct the childcare costs, I’m barely earning anything so it is not worth me returning to work/working part time.’
This sentiment used to ring true for me too as I am (and always have been) the lower income earner in our household. When my son Toby was born I had these exact same thoughts as during the sleep-deprived phase of early parenthood, I had not had time to fully form my own feelings about this issue.
Once the fog lifted and I started to think about returning to work however, it became clear, our house consists of two parents and so both of us are responsible for childcare and how we choose to manage it; costs and all.
An article out today on Women’s Agenda with the headline: ‘Rising childcare costs: Let’s stop subtracting it from women’s salaries’ literally made me cheer out loud. I shared it from my social media accounts and in minutes it garnered comments from friends along the lines of ‘yes!’ ‘Here here!’ ‘Agreed’.
Watch Madeleine West on her best tools for working mums. (Post continues after video.)