I am so late to the green smoothie bandwagon, which is embarrassing, considering I am the Fitness Blogger and therefore supposed to be really into trying these things. But I didn’t have a blender until a few weeks ago. And even then, I’ve seen so much information out there about green smoothies that I didn’t even really know where to begin. Was kale an essential or optional? One piece of celery or two? How much fruit? Is fruit allowed?
So I set off on a mission to help myself and all other confused people out there so that we too can walk around with our green smoothies in jars, looking like the very epitome of radiant health.
Essentially – a green smoothie is what happens when you throw a bunch of things (fruit/vegetables/superfoods/water/coconut water) in a blender and mix it all up. It is a seriously good way to get a whole lot of amazing nutrients in your body before the day has even really begun. If you go for a good recipe, or adapt a recipe to your tastes, it can be a really delicious breakfast option – especially on those days where you just need to grab something and run.
They’re called green smoothies because most contain so much leafy goodness that they end up green when all blended. But don’t stress if your green smoothie is a different colour. You can still be on the bandwagon. I will not kick you off.
“But isn’t it just like a juice?” you say. No. No it is not. You see, a green smoothie is blended and so everything in it retains all the valuable fibre of the whole plant food – meaning that it’s immediately available for body absorption.
Here are 6 recipes I’ve hunted down. Enjoy: