
Bored of spin class? Here are the four new workouts you'll be seeing a lot of this year.

When it comes to the gym, I have an attention span of a four-year-old on red cordial. If I’m expected to achieve anything, then I’m going to need constant entertainment. So when I had the opportunity to try four new fitness trends in 90 minutes, I was SOLD.

The good news: I found four great new workouts to tell you about.

The bad news: my legs are so sore, I’m walking up stairs like a newborn horse. Worth it.

New fitness trend 1: NETFIT

Netball players, this one is for you. NETFIT is a new program dreamt up by former pro-netballer Sarah Wall. She’s one of those super-fit bouncy people you want to be more like, because it looks like fun to have that much energy. Anyway. The high-energy program combines fast-paced netball drills (but better than the ones you did in primary school) with strength and power exercises, all performed to pumping music.

NETFIT classes usually last for about 45 minutes (in which you’ll sweat so much you’ll look like a sultana afterwards), and they regularly hold various events like a Mass Neon NETFIT class – which is about 500 netballers in neon gymwear working out and having a ball (geddit? Ball? Ahem..). Check out their website for details, and consider dragging your social netball team up the ladder by improving your fitness together –

Watch: We try the Jungle Body, another emerging workout trend. (Post continues after video.)

New fitness trend 2: CorMax

Meghan Trainor is all about the bass, but this training is all about the core. Ugh, the core. Any time someone mentions a core workout, I think of situps and immediately want to throw myself off a cliff. But, hooray! This workout was much more exciting than situps. CorMax Fitness has developed an equipment range that is basically – this will sound weird – a bunch of different-shaped water bags. It’s hard to explain, but believe me… The workout is intense.


The circuit class had everything from AQA balls (like beach balls, but with various amounts of water in them) to hand weights (the size of handbags, also filled with water) to torpedoes and commanders (various sized logs, also filled with water… I think you get the idea).

The water sloshing around inside the equipment makes it harder to control, thus switching on your core stability. I had to hold one of the torpedoes above my head and walk across the room – I’ve never looked more uncoordinated in my life. But I guarantee you, it’s such a good workout for your core, you’ll feel it aching for days. And days. And days.

Check out their watery stuff here. They’ll explain it better than I did. (Post continues after gallery).

New fitness trend 3: Torsion bars

The AUSFIT Torsion Bars. When our friendly instructor was describing the class, I thought he was saying ‘torture bars’. Cue nervous giggling until I realised what he was really saying. Apparently, ‘torsion’ means ‘to twist’. I don’t know how that’s relevant, but now you know.

The Torsion Bars are solid steel bars ranging from 4kg-20kg, used by the Australian and New Zealand Defence Forces for strength and fitness. You know how fit those guys are? This is why. We did a range of exercises with the bars, and Oh My Glutes, they are intense. The bars are better than a pump class, because there is no fiddling around with different weights and clips. You just pick up the right bar and get started with the muscle-aching. I recommend starting with a lighter one, because then you can show-off when you have to upgrade to a heavier one. Definitely don’t do it the other way around… shaaaaame.


Check out the torture bars – I mean TORSION bars – here:

Treadmills just got a whole lot more exciting. (iStock: Photo by Jonathan Colon)

New fitness trend 4: SkillMill

Guys. Treadmills are getting weirder. The new treadmill by Technogym, which is actually called the Skillmill, has no motor. Whaaaa? Yep, no motor. Instead, it's more like a hamster in a wheel (just kidding, but what a delightful image). The slightly-curved product allows you to just sprint, walk or jog as fast or slow as you want, in any direction, and the belt will just speed up or slow down according to your output. What's the benefit of that? No flying off the back of a treadmill when you set the speed too high. This machine follows you.

Also, the unique banana-ish shape of the Skillmill and the handlebars at the front mean that you can add some resistance and use it as a sled-push, like the really tough people do in the gym (or the Eskimoes). There's also a little screen that can connect to the internet and record your workout. It even looks comfy to lie on. Not that I lie down on the treadmill... much...

So for all you fellow distractable gym-goers, try one of the fun new trends. And if you really want to up your workout by a notch, I also tried a new MyZone heart rate monitor belt, and it was just the entertainment I needed. They are different to a Fitbit, because they measure your exercise effort, not your daily steps. A lot of gyms are installing screens in which you can pitch your heart rate against everyone else wearing one. If you're anything like me, you need the competition to keep you on track. I out-pulsed FitGuy287 at my gym by 2 heart beats a minute. TAKE THAT, FITGUY287.
Ahem. Happy workouts, people.

Image: iStock

What is your favourite workout? 

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