
This is what happens when a biracial woman is photoshopped in 18 different countries.


Priscilla Yuki Wilson, unedited.






You might remember the interesting Photoshop experiment posed by journalist Esther Honig earlier this year when she asked people around the world to “perfect” her image. The results were nothing short of fascinating.

Urged on by her experience of living in a culture that constantly asks “what are you?”, biracial journalist and artist Priscilla Yuki Wilson has followed suit.

Wilson sent the original image of herself via international freelancing platform Fiverr alongside the request to “make me beautiful”. However, as she later noted on her website, there was a distinct difference between herself and fellow journalist Esther,

In contrast to Honig’s results, where her face became a canvas to express more than a dozen contrasting beauty standards, I found that my face actually challenged the application of Photoshop in this instance. As a biracial women there is no standard of beauty or mold that can easily fit my face.

She also explains her experience of growing up in a society where she did not meet the conventional standard of beauty:

Growing up my Japanese mother would often tell me to wear sunblock and to stay out of the sun to avoid getting “too dark”. Being that my father is black, this paradox always troubled me because I was clearly a product of a radical racial union.

Click through to see how artists from 18 different countries across the world interpreted the experiment…

Do you think there is still a conventional standard of beauty?

To see more of Priscilla’s work, see her website here. Follow her on Facebook here, and Twitter here.

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