Pigs have a similar intelligence to that of a three-year-old child. I learnt this a couple of days ago and I’ve found it hard to shake ever since.
I don’t know a lot of three year olds, but the ones I do know are smart. Really smart. Not to mention sensitive, caring and cluey.
Australians are big on animal welfare. You only have to look at Australia’s opposition to whaling or the reaction to this year’s Four Corner’s report on live exports to know that.
But according to Animals Australia, many of us are unaware of the cruel conditions faced by factory farmed pigs in Australia. Most of us don’t know that pregnant pigs are kept in tiny metal stalls not much bigger than their bodies for 4 months during their pregnancies. We’re unaware that piglets have their tails chopped off and their teeth clipped – almost always without pain relief.
If everyone did know this – I think they might feel differently about their weekend bacon and eggs.
In the lead up to Christmas, Animals Australia is working hard to let everyone know about cruel conditions faced by pigs raised for food production. They want to put an end to it.
We’ve put this cheat sheet together to help you make informed choices about what you put on your plate this Christmas – and then after. We’re not saying don’t eat ham and pork. Just be aware of the options available.
Here’s what you might not know about the industry – but probably should before you tuck into lunch this Christmas.