In my family it’s normal to pierce a baby’s ears from around three months, but my husband is horrified at the thought. Another dilemma for the iVillage community.
I’ve had pierced ears since I was three months of age. In my Italian family it’s the done thing. Now that my daughter is three-months-old I want to pierce her ears so she can wear the little gold sleepers I have been saving for her. I have photos of me wearing them as a baby and can’t wait to see how they look on her.
When my husband asked us what we were doing that day I casually mentioned that we were going to the shops and I was having her ears pierced. He looked at me in horror. “Don’t you dare pierce her ears”, he said.
“Why not?” I thought he might be joking, but he wasn’t. It never occurred to me that some people might think piercing a baby’s ears is cruel. He said, “Why would you cause our daughter unnecessary pain? I absolutely forbid it.”
Well, when you put it that way. The thing is my husband is pretty chilled when it comes to parenting decisions.
This is the first time he's been shocked at something I've wanted to do and actually forbid it. In fact, I can't recall his ever having used the word forbid in the ten years I have known him.