
"The 4 things I would save in a disaster."

Queensland Government
Thanks to our brand partner, Queensland Government

Most disasters are unexpected.

With little warning Mother Nature reminds us that she is calling the shots. She drops a huge storm on us, or unleashes a bushfire and we have no choice but to make a run for it with nothing but the clothes on our back. How would you react in an emergency? What would you take with you? I asked myself that question and was surprised by the answer.

When I first asked myself what I’d save in a disaster, my first thought was nothing. I’d get myself out, I’d get my family out and I’d leave everything else behind, just like I’ve been taught since childhood. There isn’t anything in my home that I would risk my life or my family’s life to save and that includes important documents, photos and other personal possessions. The only reason they mean something to me is their connection to my loved ones who I would be concentrating on getting the hell out of danger.

what to save in emergency
“With little warning Mother Nature reminds us that she is calling the shots.” Image via iStock.

Then I spent some time on the RACQ Get Ready Queensland website and realised that I could save some of those precious possessions without putting anyone at risk. It’s all about being prepared and thinking ahead. It’s all about doing the work now so we aren’t caught out later.

With that in mind, here’s what I’d take if an emergency was unfolding:

  1. My family;
  2. Our pets;
  3. My handbag;
  4. Our evacuation kit.

That’s it. It’s a short list but it’s been well thought out. There’s no time to think when a disaster strikes. Do the thinking now and later all you have to do is act.

My family goes without saying. After spending some incredibly valuable time on the Get Ready Queensland website, I learned exactly what to do to prepare for natural disasters. I learned that I needed an evacuation plan in case we needed to move quickly due to a fire or a flood, and we needed an emergency plan for bunkering down at home during storms.

We have discussed what we can do with our pets if we need to leave our home and cannot take them to an evacuation shelter. We’ve talked to a family member who has agreed to take our beloved pets and keep them safe while we wade through the inevitable mess. And we’ve arranged an alternative plan for our pets to be picked up if a disaster strikes and we’re not home.

what to save in emergency
“And we’ve e arranged an alternative plan for our pets to be picked up if a disaster strikes and we’re not home.” Image via iStock.

Our evacuation plan is all set. My handbag has slowly but surely become our evacuation kit containing all relevant documents, first aid items, phone chargers and other important documents. We also have an additional emergency backpack filled with all the items listed on the website including warm clothes, food and water.

Australians show time and time again that when we are hit with the epic natural disasters that we face, we all do our best to survive and rebuild. Being prepared is the key to bouncing back once the worst is over.

Sit down with your family and make a plan. Make two plans in fact – an evacuation plan and an emergency plan. We can’t predict natural disasters but we can certainly predict what we’ll do in the event of disasters and that’s relatively simple. Be prepared, follow the plans and know that by being ready we’ll get through it.

Are you prepared for the upcoming summer?


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