
Exactly what to eat, before and after your workout. Thanks, science.

“You can actually really screw yourself over if you always work out on an empty stomach.”




I have a confession to make.

Despite being Mamamia’s health and fitness writer, I have a complete black hole of knowledge when it comes to a certain area of health and fitness.

The problem: I have absolutely no idea what you’re supposed to eat before and after a workout. I’ve read too many conflicting reports, and I’ve listened to far too much conflicting advice.

Some reckon that bananas and muesli bars are the way to go. Others rant about the protein shakes – but some people have them before the gym, and others have them after the gym. And some have them both before and after.

Some discourage protein shakes altogether, favouring simpler protein hits. Others reckon that protein bars are the way to go – but only a particular amount otherwise you will be going to the bathroom every half hour for the rest of the week.

Some encourage carbs, some encourage no carbs. Some think sports drinks are the way to go and others swear by random things like two raw eggs or a cup of plain pasta.

Me? I’m confused by it all. I generally end up cramming some kind of piece of fruit in my mouth before I go to the gym so I don’t end up crying with hunger during step class. And after the gym, I’m generally ravenous and end up reaching for whatever is closest, whether it be sushi or pasta or even just somebody’s arm.

But really, I ought to get my shit together. Because eating properly before a workout means that you get a slow and steady release of energy throughout your workout, meaning that your performance is increased. And after a workout? Your body is in recovery mode and desperately needs something with nutrients to keep that body working a-okay. Eating properly will not only speed up your body’s recovery, but also maximise the benefits of your exercise.

Is that because you didn’t eat first??

And the other thing? You can actually really screw yourself over if you always work out on an empty stomach. Not only are you not providing yourself with the adequate fuel for your workout, your body will actually draw protein from your muscles rather than from your kidneys and liver – resulting in a loss of muscle mass and a slower metabolism. Yeah. Not ideal.

So with that in mind, I did some investigation to determine exactly what we ought to be eating before and after the gym. According to Clever Science People Who Are Cleverer Than I Will Ever Be.

1. Before the gym:

– You want complex carbs and a little hit of protein. How much you eat depends on when you’re going to the gym. Try to have a bigger meal two hours before you go; if you can’t, a snack 30 mins before your workout is good.

– A piece of toast (obviously not the white bread kind) with something like banana or organic peanut butter on top is perfect, as it gives you a nice mix of complex and simple carbs. Crackers with hummus are also good.

– Yogurt and smoothies are tasty and beneficial options – and smoothies are a particularly good way to incorporate some fruit and some extra protein in the form of a protein powder.

– Some fruit. Slices of apple topped with almond butter are all kinds of delicious, as are berries.

2. After the gym:

– You want protein and a little hit of carbs, within about 60 mins of you finishing your workout.


– Lean protein is your friend; chicken is a good game plan, particularly if you pair it with veggies. Salmon is also a good one, not to mention delicious.

– On the veggie front, sweet potato, broccoli and spinach are all winners.

– Eggs are where it’s at on the protein side of things. Try an omelette loaded up with veggies. Incidentally, raw eggs have no real benefit over cooked eggs, so don’t stress about that.

This is the post-workout drink that’s far more effective than sports drinks. Seriously.

– This is where to bring a protein shake in, if that’s your kind of thing.

– If you’re at work, a salad sandwich loaded up with all kinds of goodies is the best option for repairing your body after a lunchtime workout.

3. Aaaand if you’re not hungry…

Scientists have discovered the post-workout drink that’s far more effective than sports drinks, or just plain water. It’s… wait for it…

CHOCOLATE MILK! I know. I bet your inner six-year-old just did a fist pump.

Apparently, researchers compared the exercise recovery benefits from a bunch of different drinks, and found that chocolate milk has double the carbs and protein of sports drinks and water – making it excellent for muscle recovery and replenishment. It’s also got a fair bit of water content, which will keep you hydrated, AND the additives will make you retain water and re-energise.

What a champion of a drink. Permission to go ahead and stock up.

What do you tend to eat before and after working out?

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