
Five women share exactly how you should spend a sick day this winter.

TerryWhite Chemmart
Thanks to our brand partner, TerryWhite Chemmart

There’s nothing that can make you feel queasy on a day when you’re already battling a head cold or the flu like calling up your boss and telling them that you need to spend the day in bed.

Even if your head is spinning and your throat feels like it’s filled with lightly flaming sandpaper, it can still feel a little too indulgent to opt out of heading into the office and instead spend the day resting under your blankets.

However, if you’re really feeling under the weather, that’s the best thing for you to do. Resting up and looking after yourself is the faster way to get back on your feet. Plus, you really don’t want to get the rest of the office sick.

If you need help on how to best look after yourself on a sick day, we have you covered. Here’s how five women from the Mamamia office practise self-care while home sick from work.


“After I have had to make the dreaded, stomach-turning call to my boss that I won’t be in because I’ve come down with the flu I run a warm bath. Then I throw in a bath bomb and light a candle so I can soak in there while I watch something on my laptop.

“Something else I do is make myself a soup, if there isn’t one in the freezer. Chicken and noodle soup is super quick and easy to make. It will always make you feel better!

“I also make sure I drink plenty of water to flush the germs out (something my mum always told me to do when I am sick). Other than those three tips, just make sure you get lots of rest and don’t check your emails!”

"I make sure I drink plenty of water to flush the germs out," said Peta. Source: Supplied.


"No matter how comfy and warm my bed may be, I force myself out of it and into a hot shower as soon as I wake up - there's something restorative about steam and clean hair, I reckon.

"Then it's my daggiest trackies, the couch, a B-grade television series (mostly likely something I've already seen) and herbal tea. Lots of herbal tea.

"If I'm feeling especially sorry for myself, I'll call my mum for a dose of sympathy. Even as a 29-year-old, it still makes me feel better. And maybe, if I'm lucky, she'll bring me soup."

"I force myself into a hot shower as soon as I wake up," said Belinda. Source: Supplied.


"For me there’s no better cure when I’m feeling a bit under the weather than cuddles with my one-year-old miniature dachshund Maple.

"She always knows how to put a smile on my face and doubles as a hot water bottle when I’m having a rest in bed."

"Maple doubles as a hot water bottle when I’m having a rest in bed," Valentina said. Source: Supplied.


"When you're feeling sick, especially with a cold or a flu, it can be very tempting to lie in bed all day under the covers. But I've found this can actually make you feel worse. It can make you feel even more groggy and tired than you did before and make it difficult for you to get a proper sleep that night.

"I've found it's better to sit up on my couch, wrapped in blankets and drinking extra strong mochas (I know I should be drinking a heap of water instead of chocolate coffee drinks, and I do that as well, but it's not as comforting) and if my eyes are too sore to read my book I watch a comfort TV show like Gilmore Girls or Younger.


"And even if you don't feel like it, make yourself eat something, even if it's just a piece of toast. You don't want to be taking those painkillers on an empty stomach, which brings me to my most important sick day tip.

"Don't be a hero and suffer through it. Head to a pharmacy and see what they can recommend to help you through your sickness."

"Even if you don't feel like it, make yourself eat something, even if it's just a piece of toast," said Laura. Source: Supplied.


"When I'm sick I always change the sheets on my bed, wash my hair and exfoliate my face. It just makes me feel so much better if I feel fresh even when I feel sick!


"I also make sure I take a long nap and binge watch plenty of good TV."

"When I'm sick I always change the sheets on my bed," Nicolle said. Source: Supplied.

What do you do to feel better when you're having a sick day at home?

This content was created with thanks to our brand partner TerryWhite Chemmart.

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