I broke my toe in a yoga class.
I was trying to do my first headstand since I carried a lunch box that had my name and class written on it. I kicked up, flailed my legs in momentary excitement then fell down with most of my weight landing on my big toe.
The girl next to me looked down her nose at how much of a thud I made and went back to trying to bind her leg behind her head.
I finished the class, felt tough and went looking in my kitchen for dinner and an ice pack.
Luckily, I found them both in the same place. Frozen peas, what would we ever do without you?
So tonight; this is what’s on the table at ours.
Spicy pea soup
This is my fail safe dinner party starter, before barbecued fish with Asian flavours and dessert of chilled tinned lychees with good vanilla ice cream.
All I need to get my hands on is natural yogurt, frozen peas, stock and a jar of green curry paste. Of course I could make the curry paste myself, but this time, the yoga class won. Next time I might think again.