
The 5 appointments every woman might need to make in her life.







As a woman there are a lot of times you will put your own health on the back burner. It is easier to focus on our kids, our partners or our jobs – so our own health often gets neglected.

There are a lot of health checks that you probably will think of – pap smears, mammograms for women over 40 or those with a family history of breast cancer, and keeping up to date with your vaccinations. Generally women don’t forget these.

But there may be a few health checks you manage to ignore if you aren’t aware of the symptoms and the need for early detection.

 Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Lights by Tena. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

Here’s a list of 5 appointments that every woman might need to make in her life.

1. Dermatologist

The incidence of skin cancer in Australia is the highest in the world. It is two to three times the rate of the UK or US. Skin cancer checks are essential.

In 2011, 2087 people died from skin cancer in Australia. The sooner a melanoma is detected the better your chances of successful treatment.

You would think by now that Australian women would be wise to the dangers of sun exposure on our skin, but it seems that half of Australian women still believe tanned skin ‘looks healthy.’

While the vast majority of dermatologists work in a private practice you can find them in public hospital clinics too.


2. Gynecological Oncologist

Ovarian cancer is notoriously hard to detect, and with three Australian women diagnosed with this disease every day it is definitely one you need to be vigilant about.

Despite being known as the silent killer there are early symptoms. The difficulty is that they are often mistaken for signs from other conditions. Common symptoms include bloating, urinary urgency or pelvic discomfort and pain, swelling and bloating, or abdominal pressure. If you do find yourself diagnosed you will need to find a good support network and a gynecological oncologist will be key to your ongoing treatment.

It is important to know the symptoms and to act early.

3. Urogynaecologist.

Did you know you have a one in four chance of experiencing bladder leaks at some stage in your life? The causes of bladder weakness are multiple and include childbirth, exercise, weight issues, irritations, and some genetic or medical issues.

But it is treatable.

For some cases the problem can be simply solved with pelvic floor lifts. Jane Le Fevre, Physiotherapist Expert for lights by TENA® says that the key with pelvic floor lifts is to “practice, practice, practice.”

But in other cases bladder leakage can require specialist treatment.

For this the person to see is an Urogynaecologist – this is a specialist who helps evaluate incontinence and can suggest methods of treatment.

4. Ophthalmologist.

Here’s one for those of us who are, er ageing gracefully…Your eyes.

If you don’t have a pre-existing eye condition generally the only symptoms you will experience between the ages of 19-40 are due to visual stress or eye injuries.


But in these years it is worth having an annual eye exam just to keep things in check.

I’m afraid to say once you hit 40 it’s time to be on the lookout for any changes and shall we say politely, ‘deterioration’.

One of the main things that happens after 40 is presbyopia which is a decline in your ability to focus due to the hardening of the lenses in your eyes. This is when you can indulge in a little retail therapy for some glam reading glasses.

5. Phlebologist

This is for those unfortunate varicose veins, yep sorry to inform you they might happen.

Have kids and your chances are kinda like they WILL happen.

Varicose veins are caused by weakened valves and veins in your legs. They often run in families – and getting older also increases your risk. If you’ve had a baby you’ll know that being pregnant increases the pressure on your legs, and 40% of pregnant women develop varicose veins.

Varicose veins are pretty common and though they are painful they usually aren’t a sign of a serious problem. However it is worth having them checked out in case it is a sign of deep vein thrombosis.

Hopefully you’ll never need some of these health checks, but remember that early detection and having things checked out by a professional always makes treatment easier.

Here are some celebrities who have beaten serious illnesses thanks to regular health checks:

Have we missed anything? What else do you need to get regular health checks for?


Australian females are highly reluctant to talk about the’ little problem they don’t have,’ so lights by TENA® have launched an educational campaign to help women understand the problem, and empower them with the tools to overcome it.

We want to inspire and encourage you to make a little effort each day to strengthen your pelvic floor so that your light bladder leaks become less frequent, less serious, or even stop completely.

We don’t really want you to be a customer for life, because we’ve seen the impact that it can have.

In the meantime, we’ll continue to make life easier with products that are more effective, less intrusive and more discreet. Products that are better solutions than ‘make do’ options, and that come in packaging you won’t be embarrassed to put in your supermarket basket. Because while you’re getting your light bladder leaks under control, you don’t want the whole world to know about it.

The lights by TENA range is specially designed for light bladder leaks. They are surprisingly thin, yet absorb faster than most period liners.

What makes lights by TENA special?

o    Fresh Fast Crystals which are ultra-absorbing, to quickly lock away moisture and neutralise odour.

o    Surprisingly thin, with contoured body shape for a better fit.

o    Quick dry top sheet that keeps you fresh.

Whether it’s a few drops here and there, or more than a little dribble, there’s a lights by TENA liner that’s right for you.

Click here for your free sample.

Available at Woolworths, Coles and IGA.

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