
The virtual reality cycling class that forces you to do the Tour de France.

Image supplied.

Hi, my name is Sarah and I’ve completed part of the Tour de France. Yes, the toughest, most renowned cycling race in the world.

I’m not a cyclist by any means and I did it in Sydney on a week night after a big day at work. Am I some kind of time-travelling athletic freak? Nope.

I signed up for a “virtual cycling class” with Athlete Lab. In all honesty I thought it meant I would be riding a bike in a dark room, with psychedelic lights and retro music. But I was wrong.

The experience was virtual, but the bike riding was very, very real (just ask my muscles). It ended up being one of the most painful, intense, tough and rewarding workouts I’d ever done.

When I entered the room there were two groups of bikes topped with men and women in professional bike riding gear (I just rocked up in normal gym gear, which was fine). Everyone was riding at different paces toward a big screen that was moving with them, showing a realistic view of the Tour de France course.

(Image via Athlete Lab Sydney Facebook.)


During the class, your speed, endurance, and other metrics are all displayed in the corner of the virtual screen so you know how fast you should be going and what gear you should be in. It's a really great way to learn how to ride on a road before actually venturing outside.

We did a half hour stint and I was buggered. I wasn't sure if I'd make it to the end. But being the competitive person I am, I pushed through and managed to ride a little part of the Tour de France course. Hoorah!

I'd be lying if I said it was easy - afterwards my legs were like jelly. The next day? They were sore but I felt great. (Post continues after gallery.)

If you're someone who stares longingly at the clock during a spin class, doing a virtual reality session will definitely make time speed up for you.

You can opt to do programs across a number of weeks where you focus on endurance, strength and overall fitness, or you can come along on a class-by-class basis.

Unless you're Cadel Evans, this is probably your only chance for being a part of the Tour, I'd recommend giving it a go.

What's the hardest workout class you've ever done?

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