
4 vagina myths, busted. By science.

Thanks to our brand partner, Verona


If you’re like 75 per cent of women, you have had (or will one day have) a yeast infection at one point in your life.

It goes without saying that yeast infections are at best uncomfortable, and at worst highly irritating and disruptive to your life.

Although most women will actively try to avoid them, it can be really difficult to know just how to do this with so much conflicting advice on and offline.

According to many doctors, washing your vagina correctly can help to reduce the likelihood of yeast infections, but there are a lot of myths that surround vaginal wash products that may make you question its effectiveness.

Probably the most common myth is that they should be used to wash the INSIDE of the vagina – but this is incorrect. Intimate washes should only ever be used to wash the vulva.

Probably the most common myth is that they should be used to wash the INSIDE of the vagina – but this is incorrect.

Here are some more of the most common myths that exist around this product, and the reasons why these misconceptions are oh-so-wrong.

Myth 1: It should only be used if you have a problem.

Fact: You can use it any time. Vaginal washes are often associated with being necessary for women who have a “problem” with their vagina. Many women may steer clear of them because of the perception that they aren’t for everyday use, or that they need to be prescribed.

Although it’s always necessary to discuss issues affecting your vagina with your doctor who may then recommend a vaginal wash, one can be used every day.


This is because they are created to protect the pH balance and natural microflora of your vagina, which if imbalanced may lead to bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection.

Washing correctly can help to keep things healthy. It’s just a body wash, but for your vagina.

“Washing correctly can help to keep things healthy. It’s just a body wash, but for your vagina.”

Myth 2: You can use any product to clean yourself.

Fact: Soap is bad news for your vagina. A quick poll of friends uncovered many people who still use soap to clean their vagina. After doing a bit of research into this, I have found many doctors who consider soap to be an off-limits product to use when cleaning yourself.

According to Dr Ben Kim on, “regularly applying soap to (your vaginal opening) can cause the mucosal lining in these areas to become dry and unhealthy. A chronically dry mucosal lining can lead to a number of uncomfortable health conditions, such as anal fissures, lichen sclerosus, chronic inflammation, and a tendency to experience infections.”

Instead of soap, using a dermatologically tested intimate wash like Verona that is specially formulated to cleanse vaginas (it’s for external use only, though). It can help to protect the microflora that helps to prevent infections. The combination of natural L-Lactic Acid and replenishing ingredients can help to maintain pH balance in your vagina.

Myth 3: Your vagina doesn’t need special treatment.

Fact: You need to wash carefully. According to the government organisation Health Direct Australia, there are many everyday factors that can cause irritation in your vagina.

These may include lubricants, condoms, disinfectants or ointments, washing powders/liquids, underwear, some hair removal products or vaginal douching or a build-up of sweat. These can cause your vagina to lose some of its natural defences found in the microflora, which could lead to vaginal infections.


Using a vaginal wash can help to protect these natural defences and help to restore the pH balance in your vagina.

“Instead of soap, using a dermatologically tested intimate wash like Verona that is specially formulated to cleanse vaginas (it’s for external use only, though).”

Myth 4: Vaginal wash is the same as douching.

Fact: Douching is a very, very different thing. It involves using a tube to insert a combination of water and vinegar into your vagina to clean it out.

Unfortunately, douching may lead to a whole range of problems, like vaginal infections and pelvic inflammatory disease.

Vaginal wash on the other hand is specifically formulated to help to protect the natural acidity found in your vagina.

By doing a bit of research, talking to the right people and washing correctly, you can make a huge difference to the health of your vagina.

Good luck and good washing.


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