
Class Report: We try a 'sensory immersive' yoga class.

Image: The Urban Yoga studio (supplied).

I want to love yoga. I really do.

The idea of toning and strengthening my muscles without having to pick up a single barbell is just so appealing. I also like to envision myself as one of those people do their yoga by the sea at sunrise, even though I can’t remember the last time I was even conscious at that time of day.

However, I am horrendously inflexible (#TallPeopleProbs) and struggle with even the simplest poses. My body just refuses to bend beyond a certain point. I also look anything but graceful doing yoga — my “downward” dog would be more aptly described as a “dead” dog.

I’ve tried it many times, but it’s just not My Thing… however, if I had to do a yoga class I’d prefer it to be in total darkness, with music and other stimuli to take my mind off it. Which is exactly what a brand new Sydney studio has to offer.

Urban Yoga is described as the world’s first “sensory immersive” yoga experience. Basically, it takes your classic yoga class and adds a modern soundtrack (think Chet Faker, The xx, Fleetwood Mac, even some Michael Jackson) and nature-inspired visuals that are projected onto the giant screen at the front of the room.

Take a peek behind the scenes at Urban Yoga here. (Post continues after video.)


Urban Yoga was founded by Jacinta McDonell, who had been practicing for eight years but couldn’t find a studio that offered her a consistent practice. So she decided to create her own, and took the opportunity to mix in another great love of hers: music.

“I found there was a lot of music coming into yoga but it was in the background, and I wanted to be able to practice to music,” she explains.

The image projections accompanying the soundtrack are intended to allow people to escape their daily lives during class.

Jacinta McDonell wants to "bring people onto the [yoga] mat." (Image: The Glow)

"[The concept] progressed into finding this space and really creating something for people to feel beautiful when they walk in, and not feel like a yoga studio," Jacinta says.

"My aim is to bring people onto the mat. Lots of people want to try yoga and this is a really nice place for them to start. It's a dark room, so you don't feel intimated."

She's right about the darkness of the room being a drawcard. I'm sure my efforts still looked awkward and clumsy, but I felt comforted by the fact that my classmates could only see my silhouette. It's almost like No Lights No Lycra for yoga. (Post continues after gallery.)

Rhythm-wise, the music helped because it gave me a beat to count to — useful when you're trying your darndest not to topple over mid-Tree pose — and I also got a kick out of the visuals. At one point during the class we were 'flying' through snowy mountaintops, which is an OK way to spend a Tuesday night I guess.

The one thing I struggled with was the pace of the class, but I guess that's what happens when you don't read the website properly and book into a class designed for those with pre-existing experience. Oops. The Urban studio offers a range of classes tailored to different ability levels, so next time I might just go back to basics.

Visit the Urban Yoga website to check out the options and book in. Your first class will cost $20, then there are drop-in and package deals.

What's your favourite kind of yoga?

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