I turned thirty recently.
If you asked me ten years ago, what my life would involve at age thirty, my view then and the reality now, couldn’t be further from each other.
I would probably have told you I’d be a home owner, married and probably a dad. None of those things have happened yet, and it doesn’t worry me at all. I rent, I’m single, and I don’t have any children. They’re three things that I’d love to do some day but I am more comfortable not knowing when “some day” will arrive, than I have ever been before.
In the last few years, I’ve come to a simple philosophy for my life. I live by four L’s: Live. Love. Laugh. Learn.
The first one is easy to do. You don’t have a choice.
The second, love, is the most important one for me. It defines my life. I am not talking love purely in the sense of being “in love” but as an overarching concept which I use to inform every action of my life and every person I encounter. I also let love motivate my decision making. If ever I have a difficult decision to make, I try to ask myself, “what’s the loving thing to do?”, and the decision becomes so much easier. I try to treat everybody I encounter with love, with compassion and with empathy. I try to treat myself with love as well, to not be too hard on myself, but still be disciplined at the same time. When I learned to do this a few years ago, life became a lot easier. I love my friends. I love my family. I love my colleagues. Whoever is reading this, I love them too.