
The workout that lets you literally fly through the air

Image: This is what we looked like before we hit the mats. You’ll see the ‘after’ shot in a minute.

“It’s so fun, you won’t even know you’re exercising!”

That was the promise made to The Glow team as we pulled on our special grip-soled socks and got ready to try out Sky Fit, a bouncy-bouncy gym class conducted on actual trampolines.

We’re not talking about baby bounces on mini trampolines either. No, Sky Fit classes are held on big trampoline grids, surrounded by thick bars of orange padding. These are dug-out, rather than elevated, so if you fall (and you might), you’re not going to hurt yourself too badly.

The Sky Fit grid from above.


We were taking a Cardio Sky Fit class, led by Bec, a strong-shouldered trainer with cropped black hair, who also teaches spin.

The first few bounces were a little unnerving. It’s really quite amazing how high you can bounce, and the feeling of falling down again sends your stomach (and in my case, also my uterus) right up into your mouth.

But it’s also so, so much fun. That rise and fall gets your adrenaline pumping almost immediately, and I’m not ashamed to admit all of us squealed a bit as we began our warm up jumping.

Here's the team warming up:

Then, the hard work started.

Our trainer took us through several quick sequences of bounces like toe-taps and jumping jacks, instructing us to keep moving at all times. I get exercise-induced asthma, and about five minutes into the class, I was already reaching for the puffer.


The thing about doing a class on a trampoline is that it’s completely unstable, this means that as well as working your legs, your core is constantly switched on to try and keep you balanced.

After we’d warmed up and got our heart rates through the roof, it was time for the ‘floor’ element of the class. Here, we cycled between mountain climbers, side shuttles and these deeply peculiar downward thrusts, where you squat, and use your thigh muscles to make the trampoline matt vibrate. Which is exactly as weirdly sexual as it sounds.

Then, we did a running race across the grid of trampolines, and I wiped out in a fairly serious way. I tripped on the padding that separates one trampoline from the next and fell straight forward onto my arms. My elbows got a little skinned, but it didn’t really hurt.

Finally, we were taken through another series of bounces that involved sky-slalom style jumping from side-to-side, and flipping between sitting on our knees and our butts.

By the end, we were all absolutely stuffed.

Don't believe me? This is what we looked like straight after the class - red, dripping with sweat and gasping for breath.

L-R: Aparna, Sarah, Alyx & Kahla

It was an incredibly intense class, and because trampolining is a lot like resistance training, it’s a full-on workout regardless of your fitness level.


Here’s the thing: no matter what it says on the brochure, you cannot - and I mean cannot - burn 300 calories in 30 minutes and "not even know you’re exercising.” You know. And the next day oh boy do you know. 

But it was also so much fun, that you just don’t care.

The Basics

There are Sky Zones across Australia, and they all offer Sky Fit classes. Visit their website for more details.

You will need: A class is $15, and you pay another $2 for the special grip-socks, but these can be re-worn. Wear tight-fitting workout clothes. I wore a loose t-shirt and spent the whole class having to deal with it flying into my face. If you’re on the busty side, you’re going to need a steal-reinforced sports bra (or three).

If you’re asthmatic, bring your meds along too.

You will not need: A sense of grace or dignity, prior trampoline experience.

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