
You can have your tattoos removed from your dead body... and preserved.

It takes the old adage ‘tattoos are forever’ to an entirely new level.

Have you ever felt like your permanent tattoo just wasn’t permanent enough?

Luckily, the National Association for the Preservation of Skin Art (also known as NAPSA) has given us the opportunity to have our most treasured tattoos preserved, even after we’ve passed away.

Tattoo preservation
Source: Youtube.

In their own words, NAPSA “provides a safe, professional, and easy way of preserving tattoo art” by cutting out sections of our tattoo’d skin once you’ve passed away and using chemicals to ensure they last forever.


Then, the newly preserved tattoos are framed and sent to loved ones or kept in NAPSA’s displayed collection.

In case you’re not convinced, there is a very helpful and informative video that gives a very succinct and slightly disturbing overview of the process.

Post continues after video:

Video via Save My Ink

According to Metro, the service costs about $158 Australian to join, and an additional $82 Australian to renew your membership each year after this.

Which, actually is a real bargain.

Have a look through some of the already preserved tattoos for… inspiration? (post continues after gallery)

Considering this service relies on both the deceased person in question consenting to having their tattoos preserved, and their beneficiary enacting the process once they have passed, it does seem completely consensual from everyone involved.

In which case, it may be a lovely way to remember someone by.

Albeit in a slightly ‘alternative’ way.

Over to you, is this a nice or disturbing trend?

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