Buying pads and tampons isn’t necessarily a difficult experience, especially when compared with, say, fighting off menopausal lionesses in deepest darkest Africa, with only your bare hands and a fork to defend yourself.
But it’s certainly not an experience one relishes. At best it’s a hom-hum chore and at worst it can be rather awkward. Particularly when there is an attractive young man serving you at the supermarket checkout, who resembles Jake Gyllenhaal in every way, shape and form.
If you haven’t guessed it already, I am one of those awkward-types when it comes to feminine hygiene.
And my awkwardness isn’t helped by the fact the colourful packages I have to collect have ‘10 extra long absorbent pads’ scrawled all over them, offering ‘SUPER WINGS’ and ‘ALL NIGHT COVERAGE’. It’s as if the manufacturers want everyone in the supermarket to know for an ABSOLUTE FACT that I have blood leaking out of my nether regions.
But now it seems that the universe has heard my plea.
Women like me will never have to go through embarrassing (read: mortifying) moments like this again. EVER.
According to Huffington Post Women:
A company called Le Parcel now offers to deliver tampons and pads to you each month, along with some chocolate and a handy mystery gift. Users simply select which brands and products they prefer, enter their cycle’s expected start date, and wait for the goods to be delivered right to their front doors incognito (unless the service really takes off, in which case everyone will know what “Le Parcel” contains).
Can anyone else hear the Hallelujah chorus? The better-than-sliced-bread statements?
There are three things in particular that get me SUPER (really super, as in maxi, no leak, with wings super) excited about Le Parcel.