It’s 3pm and the craving hits.
You haven’t eaten in at least 1.5 hours and your brain is screaming for a sugar hit. Before long, your stomach joins in, because it is silly and it has forgotten that you are not even hungry.
You pop on down to the convenience store. You buy an entire packet of biscuits, thinking that you’ll just have one or two and then put the packet away for future snackage.
Oh… the whole packet is gone.
Welcome to the world of overeating, something that has been the bane of women’s existence since men first brought home an extra-large woolly mammoth.
It’s when your stomach and brain shut off entirely. You are unable to process anything that does not involve getting that next handful of chips into your mouth. Before you know it, your pantry is empty and you feel sick and quite sad.
But there’s good news and bad news.
The good news is that scientists have worked out a way to stop overeating altogether.
The bad news is that it involves CONTROLLING your brain with laser beams. That shine through your eyeballs.
Apparently, said laser beams turn off the part of the brain that is responsible for overeating. See exhibit A, this video of this poor mouse, just trying to eat its scraps of cheese, but getting SUPER laser-beamed in the process.
If you can’t watch the video – the laser switches on and off, and the mouse either starts or stops eating.