With AAP.
I don’t mean to alarm you, but the dystopian ‘never gonna actually happen’ future of The Handmaid’s Tale might actually be closer than we all think, with an Australian study showing that male sperm counts are dramatically on the decline.
Published in the Human Reproduction Update this week, the study finds that thanks to rising obesity rates and poor lifestyle choices the sperm counts of Australian men are now half of what they have been in previous generations.
The 50 per cent drop over 40 years has also been recorded in North America and Europe. No significant decline was seen in South America, Asia and Africa.
Not to get too Sons of Jacob on you, but seriously, THIS IS HOW IT STARTS.
According to Australian reproductive expert Kelton Tremellen, Professor of Reproductive Medicine at Flinders University, the findings need to be a "wake-up call" to men everywhere. says the paper confirms previous observations and should act as a "wake-up call" to men.