
Forget your daily step count: this fitbit tracks your sexual pleasure.

Image: Mad Men

If we had a dollar for every time a new activity tracker was developed, we would have… well, we’d have many, many dollars. Wearable tech is fast overtaking yoga pants for ubiquity; there seems to be a new model cropping up every half an hour.

Some of these devices have intrigued us (the fitbit that counts your thrusts during sex, for instance). Others, like the collar that tells you when you’ve eaten too much, have only left us dazed and confused.

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But the latest activity tracker? This one makes us want to high-five the team behind it.

It’s called SmartBod, and it’s a silicone vibrator for women that uses sensors to monitor your arousal and orgasms.

Image: iStock


With a mission to 'enable self-discovery', SmartBod works like any other fitness tracking device by sending feedback to a smartphone app synched to it. This data allows the device to learn what its owner enjoys, pick up on significant trends and make suggestions.

The baseline statistics generated by the app will also give women an idea of how their sexual satisfaction compares with others', although this is intended for reassurance rather than competition.

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“You get continual feedback,” James Wang, one of the creators of the SmartBod, tells UC Berkeley's California magazine.

“You can also baseline yourself with other people. For a lot of women, because it’s such a taboo topic, they want to know where they fall within the spectrum.”

Two of Smartbod's co-creators, James Wang and Liz Klinger (photo: Patricia Yollin, California Magazine)


The hush-hush attitude surrounding women's sexuality is something that greatly concerns Smartbod's co-creator Liz Klinger (and should concern all of us, really). She's hoping the gadget will help make women more curious about themselves and each other, while providing the information they need to take control of their sexual satisfaction. 

RELATED: There is now a selfie stick for your vagina.

“It can be difficult for [women] to talk about sex and their own bodies in this way. It translates into discomfort and sometimes shame. That’s what we’re trying to address," Klinger tells California magazine.

"Even simple information, like how long it generally takes for you to orgasm or when you feel the most aroused, can help you better understand and take control of your sex life," she adds in an interview with Mic. (post continues after gallery.)

Here on The Glow we've spoken at length about the multitude of health benefits that orgasms and masturbation can provide, so anything that aids women in that department can only be good news.

Unfortunately the SmartBod is still in the startup stage — a crowdfunding effort is anticipated for later this year, so we're crossing our fingers this award-winning device is ours for the taking ASAP.

For the time being, try one of these guys — they won't track your orgasms, but they'll help you get there:

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