
"I've asked him to stay away, but he still turns up."

And my friends don’t seem to understand why I’m scared to see him.

A Reddit user has taken to the internet to ask for help. She explains how her ex was emotionally abusive and yet, despite asking him to stay away from her social circle, he insists on turning up to them.

Read more: “Everyone thought my life, and marriage, was perfect. Until he drugged me.”

Even worse, none of her friends seem to understand why having him around upsets her so much.

Here’s her full post:

We dated for a bit over a month before I realised he wasn’t good for me and broke things off.

Later I realised he was emotionally abusive, and explained why I was so vehemently needing him to be far away and why I’d get so angry and freaked out every time I’d see him. Because he refuses to separate from my friendship group since our break up.

I had repeatedly asked him to stop attending the events that were a part of my life before our brief relationship and respect the separation.

"I asked him to stay away." Image via iStock.

I've slowly built up the courage to tell my friends, so that they will better help me stay away from him, but no one seems to understand or sympathise. It's fucking horrible and making me feel worse.

I've been fighting a total break down all night and working up the courage to tell people he was emotionally abusive and that I will no longer attend anything he goes to and asking they not invite him out of respect for me and our friendship and people are so hesitant, it's like, if this had been physically abusive there would be no questions. It hurts.

"My friends just don't understand why I don't want him around." Image via iStock.

And it doesn't help I have a history of depression and self-injury and self-destructive behavior and I'm trying to resist that and be strong but I'm having such a hard time keeping it together.

How can I get them to understand and help me? I thought they were my friends.

What would you do if you were in a similar situation?

If you are sexual assault or domestic and family violence, contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) a national counselling helpline, information and support service 24/7.

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This is what it’s like to be married to a drug addict.

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