
SORTED: 16 of the best workouts you can do at home.

Fact: Regular exercise makes us feel really good.

To quote the wise Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.”

But right now, if you’re a regular gym-goer, group class exerciser, hot yoga lover or reformer Pilates person, you might be missing your regular workout routine. A lot.

WATCH: Here’s Sam Wood’s favourite tummy exercises you can do in front of the TV. Post continues after video.

Video by Mamamia

Social distancing and self-isolation measures recommended by a number of state governments, like working from home and staying indoors, are necessary to stop the spread of COVID-19. But it’s OK to feel down or a bit miffed they’re messing with your fitness levels.

Moving your body in some form, even just for a few minutes a day, is also really important for our mental health during a time when we don’t have access to our regular sources of social connection like work, social sport, parents group or family catch-ups.

So, to get you through, here are 15 at-home workouts you can do while self-isolating.


From high-intensity workouts and no-equipment full-body circuits, to mat Pilates videos and yoga tutorials, you’ll find it all here. BYO motivation.

1. Optus Sport

On the Optus Sport app right now, you can access home fitness workouts tailored by Olympic and Paralympic athletes, like Ian Thorpe, Nic Beveridge, Ellie Cole and Madison de Rozario. 

If you're an Optus customer, you probably already have access included as part of your plan! If not, you can download the Optus Sport app and get 10 free workouts to get a feel for it. Just look under the Optus Sport Fitness tab to find them. The variety of workouts keeps you engaged every day - from yoga to strength to core to dance to cardio.

2. Kirsty Godso @kirstygodso

Kirsty is a Nike Master Trainer, which would suggest her workouts might be hard.

Yes, you’ll see a lot about high-intensity circuits and plyometric jumping squats, but her most recent workouts are genius for doing at home because the only piece of equipment required is… a pair of socks.


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SOCK IT TO ME ✔️✔️✔️ Quick glutes, legs and abs sizzler you can cook up in the kitchen and all you need is some socks ???????????? 1. Reverse Sock Lunge x 10 + Skater Lunge x 10. Stack Right knee over Right ankle, push weight down through your front foot, especially the heel. Left leg extends straight back, hinge torso forward. You’re working the standing side (Right in video), so control the move through your right foot! 2. Lateral Sock Lunge x 10 + Lateral Skater x 10. Sit hips back as you extend your left leg out straight to the side. Push through your Right foot to starting position. Stay low in the skaters like you’re holding an isometric squat. 3. Wide Sock Sweep x 10. Anchor weight down through Right foot as you sweep your left leg in a wide arc crossing all the way out to the right. Left leg stays straight. * Repeat 1-3 on other side* 4. Sock Pikes. Tuck chin as you pike your hips up. Try and be light through your feet. 5. Modified 90 degree Abs! Right foot stays on the floor as right knee drives in to right elbow, slides under body and out to the left. Alternate sides. 10 reps each leg. Maintain a strong plank the whole time! 6. Single Leg Bear Skate ???? Hover in Bear position: knees under hips, hands under shoulders, knees just off the floor. Pick Left foot up and skate back with right leg. 10 reps then switch. STAY HEALTHY. STAY MOVING????????❤️ @niketraining @pyrogirls

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3. Tiffiny Hall @tiffhall_xo

The former Biggest Loser trainer shares gym and at-home workouts that focus on getting it done quick. Some of her videos require equipment like dumbbells, but check out her most recent video: all you need is your couch or coffee table, and a broomstick.



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If like me you’re spending a bit more time at home this week, why not put it to good use? Bust stress, boost your immune system and stay fit with my 10-minute home workout. You’ll need a couch or coffee table and a broomstick – don’t worry, I’ll explain everything! We’re doing two rounds of 6 exercises – 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. And at the end I’ll take you through some awesome stretches. Hit play and let’s do this! I’ll be sharing more workouts on my IGTV in coming weeks to help you stay strong, so stay tuned. Punches to high punches active rest Double punch to knee strike into double squat active rest Decline push-ups x 30 secs active rest Mountain climbers active rest Push-up to kick through active rest Bicycles active rest

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4. Cassey Ho @blogilates

Want quick 10-minute Pilates workout videos for all fitness levels? You’ll find them on Cassey Ho’s Instagram account. You can also check out her YouTube account Blogilates for heaps more video tutorials.




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WORKOUT COMMAND! Gimme 20 expanding tabletops and 15 double leg lifts. Go!!! Also – another thing to note about the lower belly pooch (the toughest area on my own body to see any changes) – these exercises will help tighten the muscles and create a flattering effect, BUT BUT BUT YOU MUST BE CONSCIOUS OF WHAT YOU EAT TOO! It’s totally natural to have a layer of fat over that area (protects our organs, especially women – our uteruses are there!) but to flatten the lower belly area you will need to decrease the amount of fat in that area. How? Eat whole, unprocessed foods like veggies and lean protein, avoid fried things and sugary things, drink tons of water, and add cardio to the mix alongside your Pilates. Who feels lost and wants a meal plan? #blogilates

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5. Keep It Cleaner @keepitcleaner

Founded by Aussie entrepreneurs Steph Claire Smith and Lauren Henshaw, the Keep It Cleaner Instagram account is doing some live free workouts at the moment. They’re also posting quick at-home instructional videos you can save and do in your living room.



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Who is ready for an upper body pump? Let’s do this! ???? 45 seconds on 15 seconds rest. 1. Incline Push Up 2. Incline Push Up 3. Left Arm Tricep Kickback 4. Right Arm Tricep Kickback 5. Seated Shoulder Press Do you want the convenience of working out anytime anywhere? Well, look no further! KIC is your P.T in your pocket. Simply open up the app and access daily workouts which you can do from your home. Yep, that’s right, at home! If you sign up for 12 months you can KIC is for $0.32 a day. Why pay $700+ on a gym membership when you pay $115 for a KIC subscription and have access to hundreds of workouts, daily meal plans, meditations, a run tracker and so much more? Click the link in our bio to start a 7 day free trial. #keepitcleaner #kicfit

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6. Adriene Mishler @adrienelouise

Yoga with Adriene is one of the most popular online yoga teachers in the world. Find practices on her Instagram, and full, free tutorials on her YouTube channel.


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7. Bridie Walker @she_moves_

Bridie is the South Australian Lady Startup behind She Moves, an online community for women who want to feel better, without all the usual fitness bullsh*t. Think home workouts for women who aren’t really into working out. Bridie shares mobility exercises and minimal equipment workouts on Instagram, and also has online videos on her website.


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You. Me. 13 minutes ???? Grab a sauce pan and dumbbells.”

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Save this one to do later! Or whenever you need to to feel more open and limber in the back ????

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Workouts the family can join in with. Even when you don’t really want them to…. ????????

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8. Rebecca Louise @rebeccalouisefitness

Follow Rebecca if you’re into at-home workouts. No equipment. Just a yoga mat (or a soft bit of floor).



9. Kayla Itsines @kayla_itsines

Kayla is the queen of at-home workouts. The Bikini Body Guide founder has a subscription workout app called Sweat, but she also shares great tutorial videos on her Instagram account that can be modified for all fitness levels.


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QUICK ABS⁣⁣⁣ #BBGathome #SWEATathome ⁣ Something I hear a lot of women struggle with when training abs is feeling tension in their neck. Often this can be fixed by adjusting your form. For example, when completing an exercise like a sit-up, try and lead with the middle of your chest rather than throwing your head forward at the start of the movement.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ For the ladies who are looking for alternative exercises to take the tension out of their neck and shoulders when training abs, here’s a workout you can do right now, even if you’re at home ????????????. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ✅Four Point Arm & Leg Extension – 10 reps (5 each side)⁣⁣⁣ ✅Hover Knee To Elbow – 10 reps (5 each side) ⁣⁣⁣ ✅Extended Side Plank – 20 seconds (10 each side) ⁣⁣⁣ ✅Bent-Leg Raise – 10 reps ⁣⁣⁣ ✅Alternating Bent-Leg Raise- 20 reps (10 each side)⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how many laps you can do! ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ #BBG #BBGStronger #BBGBeginner #BBG2020 #BBGcommunity #abworkout #quickabs

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ARMS & ABS ⁣⁣⁣ I’m doing BBG in the gym here but you absolutely do NOT have to. One of the great things about my BBG program is that it requires minimal equipment, which means you can do your workouts at home, outdoors or even while you’re travelling (or in the gym like me ????????). If you’re about to get started with the beginner weeks of BBG, you will ONLY need the following: ⁣⁣ ⁣ ✅Recovery Band ⁣⁣⁣ ✅Resistance Band ⁣⁣⁣ ✅Mat⁣⁣⁣ ✅Dumbbells⁣⁣⁣ ✅Chair ⁣⁣⁣ ✅Foam Roller ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Once you’re through the beginner weeks, you’ll also need the following:⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣✅Skipping Rope⁣⁣⁣ ✅Step⁣⁣⁣ ✅Bosu⁣⁣⁣ ✅Bench⁣⁣⁣ ✅Medicine ball⁣⁣⁣ ✅Barbell⁣⁣⁣ ✅Kettlebell⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ But ladies, do not feel like you have to buy all of these items at once! If you’re doing BBG in the gym, most should provide these as part of the equipment available. If you’re doing BBG at home, try using household items like milk cartons filled with sand or water to replace your dumbbells or an old towel instead of a yoga mat. Comment below if you’d like me to film a video showing you some AT HOME substitutes for the equipment in BBG! ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ #SWEATathome #BBGathome #BBG #BBGStronger #BBGBeginner #BBG2020 #BBGcommunity #armsandabs #fitnessvideo #workoutvideo

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This is me about six months ago! Coming back to fitness after having Arna I knew I had to modify my workouts to suit this stage of my journey. I was not able to do a lot but I did the best I could with what I could do at the time. There is NO shame in being a beginner and that is why I added eight beginner weeks to the start of my #BBG program. So before you begin BBG week 1, you’re able to build up your strength with eight beginner weeks. ⁣ ⁣ Here’s how I modified BBG week 3 to suit me! ⁣ ⁣ ✅Squat & Press – 10 reps ⁣ ✅Knee-Up – 30 reps (15 each side)⁣ ✅Ab Bike – 40 reps (20 each side)⁣ ✅Walking Lunge – 24 reps (12 each side)⁣ ⁣ ✅Modified Burpee – 10 reps ⁣ ✅Butterfly Sit-Up – 15 reps ⁣ ✅Step-Up – 30 reps ⁣ ✅Incline Push-Up – 15 reps ⁣ ⁣ The aim it to complete as many laps of each circuit as you can in 7 minutes (which means working at a pace which feels good for YOU). Then repeat! ⁣ ⁣ For any ladies who have recently given birth and have been cleared by your doctor, I also have a Post-Pregnancy Program now available in the @sweat app. ⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣ #SWEATathome #BBGathome #BBG #BBGStronger #BBGBeginner #BBG2020 #BBGcommunity #postpregnancy #fitnessvideo

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10. Kelsey Wells @kelseywells

As one of the trainers on the Kayla Itsines Sweat app, you know Kelsey’s workouts will be intense. That said, you can use her Instagram fitness videos at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home.




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⚡️PWR GLUTE BLAST⚡️ — SWIPE for workout????????

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11. Joe Wicks @thebodycoach

Joe Wicks a.k.a The Body Coach is worth following just for his British accent and hilarious recipe and baby content. He also shares great high-intensity workouts on Instagram and YouTube.



12. Henny Moody @henny_moody

If you’re after an at-home workout that will make you sweat, Henny’s Instagram account is for you. Right now, she’s sharing a bunch of full-body, no-equipment workouts that often feature her very good boy doggo, Nanuk.


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Babes who Box from Home ???? Cardio + upper body with just dumbbells!!! – As you guys know, I’ve always been a HUGE fan of boxing. Not only because it makes me feel boss AF. But, it is the perfect combo of cardio + strength.⚡️ – Particularly in times right now where you girls are working from home, adding a workout like this will be perfect to your routine! Aaaand you might also need that daily reminder that you are a boss. Mental strength is just as important as physical in this time!???? – 40 seconds action : 10 seconds rest x 4 rounds ???? DB straights ???? Upright Row + Lat fly ???? jab + cross + hook + hook ???? alternating flys ???? Jan + cross + hook + hook ???? Kneeling bicep curls ???? Squat + jab + cross – Hun you’ve SO got this! Time to seriously adapt and embrace the new norm right now!⚡️⚡️⚡️

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Full Body Burner at HOME ⚡️ No equipment needed! – I know SO many of you are opting to train at home of avoid the gym with the current circumstances. I totally get it, adaption is the key to life. – I’ve been loving my home sessions lately, sooo it’s not the worst case situation! Here is a full body burning session that requires no equipment! You don’t need to lose your fitness because you can’t go to the gym hunny’s!???? – Timer: 40 seconds action : 10 seconds rest x 5 Rounds – ⚡️Forward Jump squat + 2 hops back ⚡️Raised plan ankle reach’s ⚡️4 x side shuffles + jump squat ⚡️cardio burpees – If you are moving at the pace you should, and not slacking off…. You’ll get a serious sweat on! If you aren’t used to training at home, this is a mental game. Remove distractions, put your phone on night mode. Lock on for 30 mins, and get it done! – Happy Monday ????????

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13. Bianca May Cheah @biancamaycheah

Bianca May Cheah is an entrepreneur who also loves yoga and Pilates. Her fitness content includes very chic yoga practices and Pilates exercises you can do at home.



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I’ve been meaning to share this gentle postpartum @sweat workout I did with @kelseywells last year in November when I was 4 months postpartum. Kelsey who is also a mum is such an INSPIRATION to me so it was an honour to train with her. We mainly focussed on my posture, mobility and strengthening the areas that weakened when I was pregnant. You’ll see Kelsey is getting my pectoral muscles, lats and hamstrings to talk again so my range of motion and posture improves. Always picking and bending over to attend to Olly does take its toll on my back. The whole workout was so gentle and it was so nice to share a few stories and tears of joy with her afterwards. She’s truly an inspiration, and if anyone is keen to do her at-home postpartum workouts, she has them available on the @sweat app. Xx #momlife #4monthspostpartum #postpartumfitness #kelseywells

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14. Amanda Bisk @amandabisk

A former Aussie pole vaulter, Amanda has created a 14-day self-isolation fitness challenge on her Instagram account and YouTube channel with 15-minute follow-along workouts and yoga sessions. Brilliant.


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FREE 14-DAY FITNESS LOCKDOWN CHALLENGE ???????? During these crazy times it’s important for us to come together and help each other, however we can… I wanted to put together this challenge for those of you stuck in lockdown (or you can’t get to your regular gym/yoga studio) ☺️ ???????? HOW IT WORKS: ✨15min follow-along workouts & yoga (I sweat it out WITH you in real time!) ✨No equipment needed! ✨A new video will be posted each day on my YouTube Channel (and also in my app #freshbodyfitmind ????????)…just find the latest video posted on YouTube (or look under ‘challenges’ in my app) . This is your chance to get fit, strong & flexible, even if you are stuck in isolation! ???????? The best part is, you will have a whole bunch of people around the world doing the same class as you each day! ???? So if you would like to share your challenge here on Insta (post or stories), don’t forget to tag: #freshbodyfitmind & #comeoutstronger So we can find you, show support & maybe even make some friends along the way! ????????‍????‍????????????????‍????‍????????????????‍????‍???????????????? Tag some friends below & comment #comeoutstronger to let me know you’re in! ???? ????WE START THIS SATURDAY!???? First class will be this one! ???????? 15min WHOLE BODY HIIT 30sec of each exercise (with 30sec REST after every second exercise) ???????? Workouts are even better with someone else, so don’t miss sweating it out with us!! ???? See you Saturday! ???? ab♥️x

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15. Cristina Horford @cristinacapron

Christina’s workouts are usually great for the gym, but she's also posted a bunch of epic at-home workouts you can try.

Just be prepared to sweat. A lot.


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Hiiiii everyone!! I hope you’re all healthy, well, and staying safe! Got a workout in today for the first time in over a week, it felt so good to move ???? Jon and I have been lying super low, only leaving the house when necessary and it’s been really nice since we’re huge home bodies anyways. Very thankful we can both work from home during a time like this. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ll be working on a new at home guide this week that will incorporate more resistance bands than the other at home guide on the app rn. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Save this video for your next at home workout and tag a friend you think would like it as well! ???? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ???? Full Body At Home Workout! ???? ???? Good Mornings 4×12 (extra heavy band) ???? Band Rows 4×15 (extra heavy) ???? Front To Lateral Curls 4×6 (10 lb dbs) ???? Jack Knives 4×10 ???? Overhead Tricep Extensions 4×10 ???? Banded Kick Backs 4×10 (heavy) ???? Overhead Press 4×10 (heavy) ???? Reverse Lunge 4×10 (medium) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Shorts: alo yoga Bra: lululemon Shrug: gymshark Shoes: converse Song: Happiness Over Everything- Jhené Aiko

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Back & Arms at home!! Back can be tough at home so using all the resources in this one lmao. Be sure to double tap and save this video for easy access later! ???? What workout would you like to see next? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Long bands are out of stock but lots of loop bands are still available! Hopefully long bands will be back within a couple weeks, I’ll keep you posted! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Back & Arms ???????? ???????? Push Ups 4×5 ???????? Seated Band Rows 4×12 ???????? Overhead DB Pulls 4×15 ???????? Tricep Dips 4×10 ???????? Band Curls 4×12 ???????? Bent Over Tricep Extension 4×10 ???????? Isometric Bicep Curls 4×10 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Sports bra: @paragonfitwear Leggings: ryderwear Shoes: Steve Madden linked in my outfits highlight story Song: Jealous- Lennon Stella

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16. Chloe de Winter gochlo_pilates

Chloe's Pilates hurts... in the best way. She offers stretches and classes on her Instagram and free workouts on her Youtube channel


If you're prepared to feel a burn and work on strength, flexibility, posture and more, Go Chlo Pilates is perfect for you. 

Feature image: Getty.

Do you know of a great online workout you can do from home? Tell us in the comments below!

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