
A fat dissolving cream that "removes" under-eye bags is here.

If you’ve been considering expensive (and painful) surgery to deal with the bags underneath your eyes, you might want to hold off.

Researchers have developed a cream which dissolves fat cells and treatment may soon be as easy as applying a prescription-obtained nightly ointment.

Sagging of skin under the eyes occurs when the skin loses elasticity. As we age, they appear more prominently because our skin is no longer as efficient at supporting the natural fat deposits under our eyes. This causes the the area to sag and any fat deposits look more prominent. Causes are varied and include diet, lifestyle, lack of sleep as well as heredity factors.

Related: Apparently you can use red lipstick to conceal dark under-eye circles.

Bio tech company Topokine Therapeutics unveiled over the weekend their latest discovery. A cream which dissolves fat cells and reduces, or even eliminates, under eye bags.

Known at this stage only as XAF5, the cream uses prostaglandins which have the ability to attach themselves to fat tissue causing the cells to expel their oil content (which leads to the appearance of bags). It also apparently prevents new fat cells from appearing. Unbelievable, right?

Here are our picks of the best under eye concealer on the market. (Post continues after gallery.)

Prostaglandins seem to be in the news a lot lately. Initially used to treat patients suffering from glaucoma, doctors began to notice side effects desirable to the beauty industry. Patients started reporting significant growth in eyelashes and a more rested appearance. Some also noted that their natural eye colour began to change. However, doctors from the trial of XAF5 have noted that there have been no such side effects observed with the new treatment due to it’s use of a different form of prostaglandin to other products on the market.

Under eye bags could soon be a thing of the past. Image via stock images


While the treatment is still in it's infancy, initial trials are positive with a great number of participants seeing a decrease in under eye bags over the ten week trial period. Doctors used a scale system of one to four to monitor patients progress and so far have been pleased with the results.

Dr Michael Singer, Topokine’s chief scientific officer, told Daily Mail: "A one-grade improvement may sound small, but it is a meaningful change. Participants said they felt they looked more youthful, more attractive and more well rested after treatment."

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More so, researchers believe that uses for the product may be widespread with suggestions of tummy fat reduction and double chin treatment.

This is one beauty discovery that I'll be keeping a close eye on.

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