
Sally Obermeder on how cancer affected her as a parent.


The day before Sally Obermeder gave birth to her daughter four-year-old daughter Annabelle she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer.

Being a new mum isn’t easy at the best of times and the TV presenter, blogger and best-selling author managed  it while undergoing a brutal chemotherapy regime.

“I never parented before I was diagnosed, so I don’t know how I would’ve done it differently,”  the 42-year-old told Kidspot in a recent interview.

“But the chemo did stop some things there were times I couldn’t hold her because the chemo was so toxic, so there was no skin-to-skin for us.”

Sally and Annabelle. Source: Instagram

The treatment lasted for almost 10 gruelling months and in 2012 Sally underwent a double mastectomy and radiotherapy.

She says the experience made her extremely grateful for her family, friends and future – things she once took for granted – as well as making her more spontaneous.

"I just think when you've gone through an experience like that you quickly realise the naivety you had beforehand, things like you’ll live until you’re really old and will be with your husband until you’re 90, was just a big fantasy. If you get that, it’s a huge bonus. It’s not necessarily the path for you," she said in the interview.

"I'm very grateful for every day that I have ... I always say: ‘If no one died, then don’t worry about it!"

Sally with Sam Armytage during her treatment. Source: Instagram


Sally married her husband Marcus in 2001 and he was by her side throughout her illness.

She describes him not only as an incredible dad, but as a great husband and friend.

"He was incredibly supportive – not just in a practical way but also in an emotional way. It was a battle on every level," she said.

Marcus and Annabelle. Source: Instagram

Even after her recovery things weren't simple, Marcus was confronted  by the reality of almost losing his wife and she struggled with the guilt of missing out on the early days of Annabelle's life.

"For the carer, it’s actually more taxing when it’s over. Because you’re in it, and then it’s like: ‘Wow, what on earth just happened?’ It hits you afterwards... it was the year after that where it was tough in a lot of ways."

Sally underwent therapy and is now "extremely concious" of making up for lost time with her daughter -- despite her responsibilities as a co-host of Channel Seven's The Daily Edition, as well as managing her successful lifestyle blog Swiish.

"I've made peace with myself and come to terms with the fact that it wasn’t anyone’s fault and nothing could've been done. I actively manage my week to allow a maximum amount of time with her, because I do feel like we had a funny start," she said.

"You just cope. Mums cope so well. Whatever is put on their plate, they just cope with it.


4-year-old Annabelle. Source: Instagram

It also doesn't hurt that Annabelle is incredibly cute, she told Kidspot.

"She’s so cute. At least once a night she will call out from her bed: 'I love you to the cold planet and back again, mama.' She knows all about the hot and cold planets. I also ask her if she knows how much I love her and she answers: 'Yes … too much. Too much!'"

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A photo posted by SALLY OBERMEDER (@sallyobermeder) on

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