
Sally Obermeder on living with cancer: "You cope, because you have to."

To say Sally Obermeder is busy would be an understatement. The Aussie TV personality co-hosts Channel Seven’s The Daily Edition, she’s an ambassador for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, runs the lifestyle website SWIISH and is a published author (for the second time!).

Oh, and she’s also a qualified personal trainer and pilates instructor. We’re exhausted just thinking about it.

RELATED: My Perfect Sunday: Sally Obermeder

We spoke to the 41-year-old about being diagnosed and recovering from breast cancer, juggling fitness with motherhood and whether or not green smoothies really can taste delicious (yes they can.)

In 2011, you were diagnosed with breast cancer and gave birth to your daughter Annabelle just one day apart. How did you cope with two such opposing and huge life changes at once and what have you taken from that time?

Sally with Annabelle


"You cope, because you have to. You have no choice, you just do it - there's nothing else you can do really. It wasn't ideal but it's what it was. Obviously I wish it hadn't happened but it changed my perception on life. You develop incredible gratitude, and I'm immensely grateful for everything and everyone in my life, and that's what I've probably taken from that time - knowing how fortunate I am."

You've spoken about how devastating losing your hair was. I think it's something many women struggle with. What did you do to feel 'glamorous' and feel like yourself again?

"There really was no glamour. I didn't feel pretty but I didn't want to (and shouldn't) feel like I had to hide away. Cancer happens and people shouldn't feel bad. Even if I didn't feel like myself - and I really did feel like my femininity had been taken away from me - it was all about survival, going out there and living life as best as you can."

RELATED: This mum shared a photo of her breasts to show women how hard it is to spot cancer.

What's the one piece of advice you'd give women currently going through treatment?

"Hang in there. I think a lot of women are used to being the main caregiver and then suddenly they can't.It's ok not to be superwoman - lean on people and ask for help, people want to help you. Don't be afraid to say you need help, whether it's with the kids or groceries." (Post continues after gallery.)


What's the most important thing about your health to you at this stage?

"Ooh.. probably feeling amazing. I'm really focussed on energy and vitality - ensuring that I have plenty of energy to get through my demanding schedule. That feeling of waking up and not needing ten coffees a day!"

What do you do to stay fit?

"I'll go to the gym twice a week on a good week! I also enjoy going to Agoga in Bondi for a 45 minute class. I can walk there from home, and be home within an hour. That's what it's all about - if it takes too long, then I can't be bothered. And of course, plenty of running after Annabelle.

After a workout. Image via Instagram (@sallyobermeder)

How has your fitness regimen changed since becoming a mum?

"There's no longer a luxury of time. I can no longer say 'Oh, I'll go to pilates' or 'I feel like a walk'. It's all about fast and functional now, I want quick, effective and functional."

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What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

“Guilty - I reach for my phone and check my emails and Instagram while I’m still in bed. Then it’s all about getting Annabelle [Obermeder's three year-old daughter] up and having breakfast. I always start my days with a green smoothie - it gives me a massive kickstart of vitamins and veggies.”

Your book Super Green Smoothies has just come out in paperback - what's your favourite combo? 

“In my green smoothie I like to have spinach, broccoli, kale, passionfruit, lime, green powder and frozen banana. Don’t be afraid to be really generous with the greens - more is more.” (Post continues after gallery.)

And can green smoothies actually taste good?

“Absolutely! When we were researching the book, there were about 60 that didn't make it it. They tasted absolutely disgusting and we were spitting them out. I don't care how good for you it is, you're not going to drink it if it doesn't taste good ... It's all about ratio and getting the balance of flavours. It also helps if you work with flavours you like, so if you prefer sweeter things trying ones that taste like chocolate or berries. In the book there are 60 recipes including ones that taste like cake or pumpkin pie - so a real variety."


Scenario: you've been stranded on a desert island and can request just 3 beauty products and 2 other items. What are they?

"Model CO's Macadamia Face Oil as it's such a great multitasking product, Amy Jean's Eyebrow Putty and a YSL lip gloss. For the other two items - outside of my husband and children of course! - I'd take my phone so I could ring friends and take Instagram photos, and an amazing cozzie. So basically a holiday!

We think we've found that amazing cozzie...Image via Instagram (@sallyobermeder)

What's a new discovery you're loving this month?

"Kelettes! They're a brussels sprout crossed with kale, a fun little discovery."

RELATED: The 5 things nobody ever tells you about kale

You've collaborated with the Macquarie Centre for Wool Week - what are your top styling tips for winter?

“I think a wool coat is essential. But it’s also important to pick styles that suit you. This season, I'm loving the feeling of mixing textures with my outfits - wool works so well with leather and denim.

“Also choose pieces that last so you can bring them out each winter. Things like coats are worth investing in so you can use it every season. There’s nothing worse than finding a piece you love only for it to wear out after just one season.” (Post continues after video.)

Finally: The Glow quick fire round!

Your favourite song to work out to? Eye of the Tiger.

Easy go-to dinner recipe? 15 minute prawn curry.

Place you'd like to travel next? Carribbean.

Most valuable thing in your life? Annabelle and Marcus [Obermeder's husband].

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