
'I just got back into exercising after yonks. Here are 10 things I've noticed.'

There are a few things I'm really good at in life. 

One of them is spilling stuff on my clothes before I have to be somewhere. I'm also very successful at locking all three sets of keys in the house, at least once every few months. The other? Constantly f**king up my left knee.

I am VERY good at this. Have been for years. It's truly extraordinary.

I've had three knee reconstructions - my most recent one was in August 2021. 

They ran out of things to replace my left knee ligament with, so they ended up using the hamstring from my opposite leg to make another one.


Recovery was not fun. I mean it never is. But ESPECIALLY when two legs are hurty.

Watch: Here's what the horoscopes are like working out. Post continues below.

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It also meant it would take me longer to get back into exercising, running and all the things that involved, you know, knees.

Fast forward to a year later and I'm finally starting to get back into it, slowly but surely. 

HIIT classes. Running. Weightlifting. Moving my body without breaking it.

Here are 10 things I've noticed since returning to exercise.

1. My shoes. They're done.

Apparently you're supposed to replace your sneakers every eight months? This is news to me. Because I've just now realised the ones on my feet are seven years old. Which means I'm basically running on a bit of broken sponge with some rope holding them together. 

This is why I have knee issues.

2. You don't have to be first.

I've always had this thing where I think people are trying to compete with me? All the time? And so I try to be better than them?? I think it's called a competitive streak.

Even when I used to do HIIT classes at the gym and get paired up with someone, I'd immediately try to beat them at whatever it was we were doing. I'd try to lift heavier. Run faster. Box harder.


But, coming back into training, I'm the weakest I've probably ever been - and it's taking some time to adjust to. Because I'm really not where I thought I'd be. 

I'm slowly learning that you don't always have to be the best or the first one to finish. Each to their own.

3. I still suck at running.

I mean, yeah. Like, I thought I'd come back from my injury and maybe find out that I actually really love running. But after not being able to do it for over a year, then getting back into it, I can safely say that yeah, I still hate it.

4. You still can't find a sports bra that won't make your boobs feel like they're going to rip off.

I really need you to know that I still have to hold on to my boobs while I run. 

I'd forgotten the feeling. And I hate it.

They always feel like they're going to literally rip off my chest because I cannot find a bra that will hold them in place. Like, I'm still wearing two sports bras over the top of each other for enough support. 


5. The one weight you want/need is always gone.

Sorry, that's just the rules. 

No matter what exercise you're doing, no matter what weight you're after - someone else already has it. And they're never letting it go. 

6. Everything hurts.

I tried to get up from my chair the other day and I just... couldn't. Like my legs just didn't work. I don't love it. 

7. No one is actually looking at you.

Whenever I used to ask my mum if my outfits looked weird/my makeup wasn't right/if my hair looked gross - she always used to say (please read this in an Irish accent): 'Uck. No one's lookin' at you!'


It's supposed to make you feel better, but it absolutely always makes you feel worse, cause WHY is no one looking at me, mum?

But now I GET it. It's true! I used to spend so much time worried about what other people in the gym thought about what I was doing/if it looked wrong - but in reality, no one gives a s**t. Everyone's usually too caught up in their own stuff to be interested in what you're doing. Truly.

8. ... except that one person.

Because sometimes there's that one per cent. That person who wants to show you how to do something when you didn't... ask. 

For example, I was using the Ski Erg the other week, and a man came over and told me I was doing it wrong, and proceeded to show me how he likes to do it. I've used the Ski Erg before and I didn't ask him, but I was like, thank you? I think?? 

I forgot about how that sometimes happens. And it's never not awkward.

9. Waking up early doesn't get easier.

Waking up at 5:15am never suddenly becomes pleasant. And whoever said it does is telling you dirty little fibs.

I've been getting up at that time for nearly two months now - and I can honestly say I still hate it. I'm still tired. I still don't want to get out of bed. And I still argue with myself for an extra five minutes.

10. You never regret working out.

In saying that, I don't ever regret the time I spent exercising. Sure, I always regret not working out - but I never regret going.

I've really missed that feeling of accomplishment and smugness for 'getting it done', while still having an extra half hour to get ready in the morning. It's a good feeling.

Feature image: Supplied; Canva.

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