Anyone with a Facebook profile will know newsfeeds are fertile grounds for pregnancy updates. Not a day goes by without an excited mum-to-be posting an ultrasound, a bump shot, or a status asking for baby shower advice – and can you blame them? Facebook, Instagram, etc. are a fast, easy way to keep loved ones in the loop without long phone calls or house visits.
Plus, who doesn’t love watching those little ‘like’ notifications flow in after sharing some exciting news?
But in recent months I’ve been bombarded by posts that take pregnancy sharing from totally sweet to TMI. Not content with the occasional status about swollen feet or a kicking baby, several future mamas in my news feed have decided to keep me, and everyone else, updated on exactly what bodily processes and fluids are at work in their womb. Every week. For the entire nine months.
These expectant mums have subscribed to online apps that provide up-to-the-minute commentary on pregnancy. This includes useful, scientific, in-depth information, which is, I imagine, very interesting when you’ve got a bun in the oven and you want to know what on earth is going on in there.
But the app doesn’t just keep mum up to date. It posts on the newsfeed of all of her Facebook friends at the start of every week, too, detailing exactly what that week of pregnancy involves so they can all experience the fun together.
On Monday I discovered an ex-colleague is currently in the “fetal fat collection” phase and is producing lots of "lard" right now. One mum-to-be's growing foetus is now coated in vernix, while another’s bub is currently cultivating its first fecal matter. Who doesn’t want to read about vernix first thing in the morning - especially that of a baby you’ll possibly never even meet?