Oh, Christmas. The only day of the year where absolutely everyone eats themselves into food-coma oblivion. Naps are abundant. Cake is everywhere. Cadbury Favourites are ESPECIALLY everywhere – I think I ate about 600 mini Crunchies in less than 24 hours.
So of course, everyone enters the New Year feeling quite like they need to lose some weight. Potentially a lot of weight. Advertisers know this, and they start pushing crazy diets that – in your post-indulgence, sugar-crazed state – you somehow end up signing up to, thinking that they’re a really good way to tone up.
Hint: they are generally not.
I’ve collected 5 CRAZY diets for you that you should absolutely not try in this post-Christmas time of year. Under no circumstances, do not take any of these on board…
1. The Instagram diet
I love Instagram for food inspiration. But I never knew that it could be used as a dieting tool. According to Refinery 29, scientists discovered that if you stare at pictures of food before eating food – the real food will taste worse.
This from Refinery 29:
In a study conducted at Brigham Young University, people were given pictures of either sweet or salty foods to look at, then offered peanuts to eat and asked to rank them based on enjoyment factor. Even though the salty-picture crew hadn’t been shown pics of peanuts, the fact that they had looked at salty foods apparently diminished their appreciation of the nuts. They ranked them as less enjoyable than did the people who had been viewing cakes and cookies.
So if you’re scrolling through a feed full of delicious-looking cronuts and you go to read a regular old donut? It’s going to be pretty upsetting.