PMT ate my weekend. By this, I don’t mean it made me pig out. Rather, PMT consumed it. Devoured it. Left me without so much as a morsel of my Saturday and Sunday that wasn’t spent in its torturous grasp, being a psychotic cow.
During that fraught 48 hours, here are some of the activities I tried to loosen its grip:
1. Eating handfuls of Choc Bits straight from the packet.
2. Shopping for new jeans (file this also under MASOCHISM and STUPIDITY)
3. Blasting Midnight Oil on my iPod while running on a treadmill.
4. Shouting at my husband.
5. Shouting at my children.
6. Phoning my mother to complain about everything.
7. Shouting at the mirror.
8. Swallowing handfuls of Evening Primrose Oil capsules.
9. Shouting at the TV remote controls for being IMPOSSIBLE to use.
10. Possibly throwing them across the room.
11. Buying the ugliest pair of shoes I’ve ever owned.
12. Cake.
With a special highly commended mention to Choc Bits and Midnight Oil, none of it helped a jot.
So if there’s anything that can combat PMT I’d like to know about it (yes, yes, I know it’s called PMS these days but I haven’t had it for years so I still call it PMT and don’t argue with me because I will hurt you, bitch).
And please don’t tell me to meditate or turn my frown upside down (see above threat to hurt you).
Having been blissfully free of it for more than a decade, I’d forgotten how insidiously evil PMT can be. Particularly compared to other recurring afflictions.