
This Teal Ribbon Day, we need to educate each other about Ovarian Cancer.

When ovarian cancer is detected in its early stages, a woman has an 80 per cent chance of surviving.

That’s a great chance of being alive and well after five years. 

But we’re still facing a huge problem.

In Australia, almost 75 per cent of women are diagnosed at a late stage, causing our chances of survival to plummet.

Tragically, for every 1,500 Australian women diagnosed, 1,000 will die from the disease.

We think it’s time to change that horrible statistic, and we all need to act now.

February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month and tomorrow – the 24th of February – is Teal Ribbon Day. A day when we need to discuss the signs and symptoms. A day when we need to familiarise ourselves with our family histories. And a day when we need to share stories.

Let’s educate each other, so more women can catch ovarian cancer early. The only way to beat ovarian cancer is for women to empower one another and share the facts.

What you need to look out for:

If you or a loved one experiences any of the below symptoms persistently over a four week period, we urge you to contact your GP.

  • Stomach pain,
  • Persistent bloating,
  • Frequent urination, and
  • Becoming full quickly

This Teal Ribbon Day, talk about Ovarian Cancer with the women in your life. 

Let’s improve the survival rate together.

To register for an ‘Afternoon Teal’, or simply donate to Ovarian Cancer Australia, please click here.

Have you or your family been touched by Ovarian Cancer?

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