
"I've discovered a simple piece of advice that keeps my New Year's resolutions on track."


Every year on January 1, I boldly write a list of New Year’s resolutions.

I will be fit this year!

I will cut out chocolate, my favourite food, for twelve whole months!

And every year, around January 15, I fail miserably.

In fact in 2016, when my partner and I “quit chocolate together”, I lasted less than two weeks before a weak moment at a gelato shop. (He doesn’t even remember us doing it.)

These last few weeks, I’ve begun running again. I think to myself how wonderful it would have been if I’d run every day like I said I would.

But instead of wallowing in the fact I didn’t start running again sooner, this time, I’ve found a mantra that actually works.

Every time I think “I’m too tired to go for a run” there’s one piece of advice I keep turning over in my head.

I recently read a piece by American life coach Susie Moore, and there was one simple mantra that really stayed with me.

In the piece, Moore says “stop procrastinating”, explaining that it’s really stupid to procrastinate over things that are undoubtedly going to make you happy.

I’ve appropriated this into the phrase “don’t procrastinate over what will make you happy” and boy oh boy, has it worked for me.

As I slump out of bed and consider crawling back into my sheets to watch Netflix, a little life coach in my head says “don’t procrastinate over what makes you happy, it’s stupid” and I chuck on my joggers and get moving.

An hour later, I feel amazing. I’m significantly less grumpy, and feel as though I’ve already ticked a big box for the day.

And the phrase can be applied to anything, not just exercise.

Maybe you want to start your own business? Or make more time for reading?

Do the damn thing.

Don’t procrastinate over what makes you happy… make this year different.

How do you stick to your New Year’s resolutions? Tell us in the comments.

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