
The new toys your kids will be nagging you for come December (or most likely, earlier).

Ready. Set. Lay-by.

Okay, so I know that Christmas still seems a while away (wasn’t that only last week?) but as we all know, one minute it’s the middle of the year and the next minute you are standing in the store having someone explain to you that the one toy on your kids list to Santa is sold out…nationwide.

This year, I’ve promised myself that I will be more organised than usual and avoid disappointed faces on Christmas morning by sorting out the gifts early.

Luckily for me, Mattel have just announced their newest toy creations which they predict will be on every kid’s Santa list for Christmas.

Here are the toys that your kids will be nagging you for come December (or most likely, earlier). I’ll see you all at the lay-by counter.

Animatronic Dinosaur.

First off is one that I know my kids are going to go nuts for. The Imaginet Ultra T-Rex retails for AU$129.39 and features light up eyes, appropriate levels of roaring and projectile arrows and cannons. Basically, it’s every boy’s (or girl’s) dream.

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Barbie Saddle and Ride.

Barbie has had herself a little outdoors makeover and will be available in a set with her very own horse which she is able to mount with the press of a button. Clever girl. It retails for AU$64.64.

It’s unclear yet which, if any, Australian stores will be stocking the new items, however thanks to the beauty of the good old interwebs, we’re all able to fulfill Christmas wishes.


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Disney Playmation.

Disney is also throwing its hat in the ring for most popular Christmas toys with the news that they will release wearable gadgets not dissimilar to those children would have seen in popular movies like Frozen and The Avengers.

The line up of toys features a ‘repulser’ like that worn by Iron Man. Kids are guided through solo missions, or teamed up with each other thanks to the connectivity functions the receptor will give with other toys in the range, where they are asked to imagine different terrains and challenges.

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Additional points are rewarded for more intensive physical challenges which involve jumping and running. There are also smart figures in the range which can be played with alone or linked in with other players.

The toys essentially put the kids into the role of the superhero, and parents are able to change the difficulty and mission availability with downloadable add ons and connectivity.

What toys have your kids put on their wish list so far?

CLICK THROUGH the gallery to see the top 11 toys every kid wanted for Christmas in 2014 (these prices are approximate and have been converted from UK Pounds):

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