
The only fitness app you need for 2015.

Image via iStock

There’s no doubt that for me 2014 was the year of the sloth. Starting at a new job meant that I was completely focused on work – and staying fit and healthy took a back seat. Let’s be honest – it was so far in the back seat, it was in the boot.

Having a few days off during the Christmas break gave me a chance to finally think about fitness again – not that I actually DID anything, but I did think about it.

I thought how nice it would be to get fit – to touch my stomach and feel nothing but rock hard abs, to see a feminine curve to my backside, not dissimilar to Beyonce’s, to look at my face in the mirror and see radiant skin – rather than my lackluster skin and puffy eye bags for which I’ll blame my holiday buddies, Chardy and Pinot.

The thought of this fit, toned, healthy me was pretty tempting. She’d be so much more energetic and able, in every part of her life. So when I was handed this Medibank GymBetter task, I didn’t grimace. The 2014 me totally would have, but not the new, improved 2015 me.

Goodbye 2014 me.


What is Medibank GymBetter you ask? Well, simply put, it’s an app. It’s an app that is perfect for people who, like me, want to get back into the gym, but kinda don’t trust themselves to get there, you know, regularly.

So instead of locking yourself into a 12 month contract that, let’s be honest, the June 2015 you might not be that into – with GymBetter, you pay by the visit.

With this app, you can go to ANY of the gyms listed on the app. Trust me, you’re not limited with choice. There’s Anytime Fitness, Fitness First, Goodlife Health Clubs – even the Fitness First platinum gyms are there.


If you’re a Medibank hospital and extras member, each visit costs $8.50. If you’re not a member, it’s $11.95.

And in the app, you tally off each visit to the gym, just like you would a frequent coffee card (the one habit in 2014 I did stick to).

Here have a look:

Once the “2015 you” has gone to the gym 8 times in one calendar month, all the rest of your visits that month are at no cost.
If you’re a Medibank hospital and extras member, that’s a max of $68 buckaroos a month on the gym – and of course, only $8.50 a month if you get there only once.

So without any further ado, here’s my fitness diary, one week in:

Jan 2:

Exercising the day after New Year’s? Helllll no.

Yeah, that's not happening.

Jan 5:

Today I woke up feeling like it was the first day of the rest of my life. It was Day 1 back at work, so I headed to one of the gyms closest to my work. With my gym bag in tow, I was eager as a beaver and ready to make some gains.

The gym I selected was really busy, because of the location and time of day. It was a bit daunting – lots of big muscle men wearing singlet tops probably more sartorially suited to the female gender.

I got changed, and couldn’t help but sideward glance at the two women beside me, speaking what sounded like Dutch. Their bodies were more suited to a Victoria’s Secret Runway, rather than right next to mine in a gym locker room.


I climbed on a treadmill for 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes on the stepper. Work out, done.

Will I be going back to this muscle-men, Dutch Victoria Secret model gym? No.

New year, new you.

Jan 6:

So I thought I’d head to a gym close to home this time. And guess what? It’s quiet and I have all the equipment to myself. The equipment I don’t know how to use.

A nice PT gives me a hand to show me the ropes on some arm machine and the squat area. I thank him and start my workout, hoping he’ll move away and not ask me to start training with him for $70 a session.

I finish my workout with 30 minutes on the treadmill and watch some of Diane Von Furstenberg’s reality show. It helps pass the time. And I like the fact I get to watch Fox, ‘cause I don’t have it at home. Win.

Who doesn't look like this at the gym, right?


Jan 7:

I thought I’d venture out and go somewhere new again today, heading to a Goodlife Health Clubs branch. And guess what guys, I found my match.

Not far from home, lots of women, a little bit on the posh side, and definitely worth the $8.50 a visit.

It's worth it.


The 2015 me is looking like she’s going to have that Beyoncé derriere after all.

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What's your 2015 fitness resolution?


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