If a few years ago someone had recommended going off the pill, most women would have laughed in their face.
But, thanks to new technology and growing awareness of side effects of synthetic hormones, more and more women are ditching the pill in favour of ‘natural birth control’ methods, using little more than a smartphone.
But the tech-revolution around birth control has just taken a giant leap forward with a nordic startup company bursting onto the scene with their scientifically proven method that revolves around….your temperature.
Wait, what?
Yep, a Swedish startup promoting ‘natural’ birth control by temperature tracking has just received $6million in funding. The company, Natural Cycles, uses your smartphone and a thermometer to track your cycle and ovulation as birth control method with what they say is more effective than the pill.
Two thoughts immediately compete for headspace: what is ‘natural’ birth control? And why are so many people throwing their money at the idea?
Going off the pill has been the topic du jour in my circles over the last few years. With my girlfriends ranging from their young 20’s to their late 40’s, the responses have been mixed. Some are all for it, preaching the health benefits of not taking synthetic hormones, whilst others – usually the ones who have had pregnancy scares in the past – scorn anyone ‘stupid’ enough to take the risk of unprotected sex.
So with the news of Natural Cycles monster funding campaign, I dug a little deeper for information on natural birth control…and the answers were surprising.