Every night this week I’ve accidentally on purpose tuned into My Kitchen Rules.
I haven’t really told anyone for risk of judgement. Everyone in the office watches fancy TV shows like The News and Breaking Bad.
But when I sit down at night, I like to be taken to another place, another ‘reality’ if you will (get it?).
And MKR ticks all my boxes.
Food? Yep. Drama? Absolutely. Bitchy friends who are up to no good? Oh my yes.
I was especially excited to watch last night’s ep as it was finally time for Deb and Rick to take the kitchen stage. (They’re the SA parents/grandparents whose marriage has lasted 38 years and they love each other lots and were childhood sweethearts and etc and etc and etc. LOVE.)
I could feel myself relax into this strange reality of professional dinner partying. But all my happiness came crashing down as soon as I saw the resident mean girl friends who are up to no good, Chloe and Kelly from WA, staunchly walking up the driveway to my favourite parents/grandparents house.
Yeah we heard that snide comment behind your hand hoping their meal will be shit, mean Chloe. And I know this is probably planned banter and the producers have told you to say something rude but damn it Chloe & Kelly why do you make it so easy for us to dislike you!?
But I needn’t have feared. Things were back on track when kind twinsies from Vic, Helena and Vikki (aka “Two people one brain”) balanced things out again.