
Dame Elisabeth Murdoch's Mother’s Day Appeal to raise money for genetics research.

Sarah Murdoch will host an intimate garden party at her home for the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute in honour of her husband Lachlan’s late grandmother Dame Elisabeth Murdoch. Today co-host Lisa Wilkinson will MC the event which aims to raise $1 million for genetics research at the Institute.

Sarah Murdoch.

The Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Rose Mother’s Day Appeal continues the work that was started by Dame Elisabeth Murdoch. As a truly great Australian woman, a loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother, the late Dame Elisabeth’s passion for children and their wellbeing led her to establish the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, an organisation dedicated to finding cures for the most serious health issues affecting children both in Australia and all over the world.

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch.

Until her passing in 2012, Dame Elisabeth was heavily involved in the Institute as a generous philanthropist and esteemed patron. She championed the importance of medical research and had the foresight to recognise the importance of investing in and developing genetic research, even when this field was in its infancy.

At the event, Amy Clarke, whose 19-month-old son Louis suffers from a rare genetic condition, will speak about the importance of the genetics research being done at the Institute, and how researchers have helped transform Louis’ life after his diagnosis.

Last year Amy and her husband Martin received devastating news after taking Louis to hospital after he started suffering from nerve pain. “Louis had been suffering terribly for a few weeks, and had gone from being an unusually happy child to not recognising us because he was so uncomfortable. We were advised that Louis’ prognosis was poor and that his life expectancy was uncertain but very short. We were devastated when he was diagnosed, as were our family and friends. He was five months old.”

Amy Clarke with her son Louis.

However, after participating in a research study at Murdoch Childrens where researchers sequenced all of Louis genes to see what genes were causing his condition, researchers from the Institute were able to isolate the gene which had produced Louis’ terrible illness.

“Beyond any expectations, it was found to be a condition that responds to treatment. The doctors treating Louis were confident that Louis’ condition was no longer terminal. We had not been told this was even a possibility. We were now told that whilst the damage Louis had sustained to his brain was irreparable, careful and consistent medication would ensure he did not experience any further damage. He will be very different from most people but he will now live a full life.”

The Mother’s Day event and appeal will raise money to further this research and technology and to help develop new genetic tests. As part of the appeal, the Institute is asking people to host garden parties in May. Hosts will also receive a ‘host gift’ featuring Dame Elisabeth Murdoch ‘rose cards’ for Mother’s Day.


You can find more information here.

Host a garden party this May to raise funds for genetic research.

Interested in entering the Mother’s Day Competition?

At Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, our research is all about giving kids the best possible start to life. As the largest child health research institute in Australia, our 1500 researchers are working hard to translate the knowledge we create from our research into effective prevention, early intervention and treatment for children.

Researchers and doctors see so many parents come into the Institute desperate for answers on their child’s conditions and doing whatever they can to provide comfort to their kids. When you are little whether sick or well, your mother is the often the one you turn to for comfort and support. As you grow your mum is the one you constantly turn to for advice and guidance.

At the Institute we want to say thanks to mums and that’s why this Mother’s Day we are giving you the chance to pamper your mum or a special woman in your life.

This Mother’s Day we want to thank mums for helping keep kids healthy and safe. Tell us in 25 words or less why your mum or a special woman in your life deserves to be pampered. You’ll go into the draw to win a two night stay in a Studio Suite at any of the luxury Art Series Hotels, Qantas business class return airfares from anywhere in Australia and a year’s subscription to Australian Women’s Weekly magazine.

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