More women fear weighing themselves than getting dumped by their partner. I read this in a survey so it must be true.
And if it is true, it’s sad, isn’t it?
I don’t weigh myself. Stopped years ago. Got rid of the scales at home. Well – I hid them in the back of my bathroom cupboard. But who was I hiding them from……? Well, my kids for sure. I don’t want my daughter – or my sons – to place too much (cough) weight on the numbers on a scale.
I’m not suggesting a total head-in-the-sand approach to weight. I want my children to be healthy and to have bodies that let them run and jump and give them pleasure and allow them to feel comfortable in their own skin. But numbers on a scale don’t tell the whole story and it’s so easy to become fixated on those numbers. It’s like dress sizes.
The other day my eldest son (who was packing to go on a fishing trip with his uncle) came into my bathroom looking for the scales. He found them at the back of the cupboard and I triumphantly intercepted him just in time as he took them back to his room.