
Meshel Laurie's beauty treatment gave her a mini religious crisis.

Image: Twitter/Meshel Laurie.

Since becoming a practicing Buddhist, Meshel Laurie has learned a number of lessons.

Not least, the fact that as soon as you claim any religion people will “constantly question” you about it.

When Laurie dropped in to Mamamia HQ for an appearance on the I Don’t Know How She Does It podcast, she explained how a beauty treatment the day before had (almost) resulted in a mini religious crisis.

“I was telling some of the girls [here], ‘Oh God, sorry, my face is a bit sore because I got face threads yesterday’. It’s like this ‘face lift in a lunch hour’ kind of thing, where they put these threads down into your cheeks and then pull them,” the radio and TV presenter explained to Mamamia’s Holly Wainwright.

Never heard of face threads? Neither had we. While the description of the treatment is, well, rather offputting, Laurie insists it’s “great” — but she admits it’s “really painful.” And that’s where the questioning arose.

Listen to Meshel talking about the reality of living through divorce, the one thing no detox could ever make her give up, and the truth she has learned about school mums, here. (Post continues after audio.)

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“I took photos while I was doing it and one of the girls said to me, ‘Where does that fit with Buddhism?’ And I thought, Oh God, I don’t know!'” the mum of two, who has recently separated from her husband, recalled.

Buddhist teachings follow the principle that suffering, whether that be physical or mental, is an accepted fact of life. So where does willingly subjecting yourself to pain come in…?

Ultimately, Laurie wasn’t too bothered. “I said, ‘I don’t think Buddha would care, really, about the face threads’. It’s all part of the divorce process, I think — whitening my teeth and getting my face threads and all that,” she admitted.

Meshel Laurie on stage. (Getty)


One way The Project panelist implements her religion into her daily life is through taking a moment each morning to set her intention.

"It's a Buddhist term where you say, 'OK, today I'm going to try to be kind in every way that I can be, and try and do everything I can do for the benefit of others'," she explained.

"It's basically a way of reminding yourself about your intention, and that helps you do it throughout the day."
Watch: Aussie celebrities share the best advice their mums ever gave them. (Post continues after video.)

As a single mum of twins with a busy media schedule, Meshel Laurie is one busy women. Intention-setting is just one way she keeps on top of things; she also aims to find a moment for herself every day.

"I live near the beach, so on the way home from work I'll go and park at the beach, usually, and sit there for half an hour — maybe meditate, or listen to a podcast, or just look at the waves. The beach is very calming for me, I really like being near it," she said.(Post continues after gallery.)

Honestly, that sounds a lot more relaxing than face threading, but to each their own, hey?

Have you tried any unusual beauty treatments lately?

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