
Radio star groped in a cab: “I can’t get rid of the feeling of him touching me”.

Trigger warning: this post includes a first person account of sexual assault. It may be distressing for some readers.

On Thursday night, radio personality, Mel Greig, was assaulted in a cab after a night of drinking. 

In this very personal and vulnerable piece, Mel describes the attack and the shame and guilt that so many women feel after an assault….

I am writing this through squinted eyes and a throbbing head . . . a feeling that most of us have encountered at some stage of our lives, the dreaded hangover. But with my hangover also comes feelings of regret, violation and embarrassment.

Last night I had too many drinks and this nearly cost me gravely. I found myself in a situation that could have been avoided had I followed my rules. Last night I had an encounter with an inappropriate taxi driver. He touched me. I can still hear his disgusting moans and can’t get rid of the feeling of him touching me.

Mel Greig.

I’ve often thought about what I would do if ever faced with this situation, you hear some horrible stories of women being attacked and it sickens me. I don’t want to call it sexual assault, I feel that takes away the seriousness of other assaults that have had far worse outcomes for the victims.

It was an absolute violation of my rights as a woman and as a passenger just trying to get home safely, his inappropriate behaviour was out of line and he needs to know that it’s NOT OK. It is not ok to touch my leg, it is not ok to ask for a hug when I’m trying to get inside my house and it is not ok to moan and rub my body.


Prank call tragedy: Radio hosts speak about what has happened.

I need to take responsibility too though, we need to remember to take responsible steps if we are going to drink. I ALWAYS sit behind the driver, it’s the safest spot to try and avoid an attack. I ALWAYS take a photo of their license and send it to a friend or to my husband. I ALWAYS remember the taxi company because I ALWAYS book the taxi so there is a record. I broke all of my rules last night.

I sat in the front seat, I didn’t take a photo, I hailed the taxi and I didn’t bother to check the company. For that I have regret and I’m ashamed at myself for not taking more care and for having that 5th wine and only 1 canapé at the function . . . and for letting my guard down, I highly doubt the taxi driver would have attempted what he did had he known I had his details.

Mel with her partner Steven Pollock.

The one thing I do know is that, even though I didn’t follow my rules, he had no right to take advantage of an intoxicated passenger.

When he asked for the hug I tried to be my normal friendly self and I hugged him. I wanted him to go away and as soon as he started moaning and running his hands on my backside I pushed him away and waited for him to leave before entering my house.


I wish my husband wasn’t working late. I wish I had been switched on. I am ashamed that I said yes to the hug. Why did I hug him? Why did he touch my leg in the cab? Did I encourage this behaviour? I’m left with questions and no answers.

Why did Mel Greig go to the royal prank inquest in London?

I’m sharing this story to remind women that we need to look out for ourselves, be responsible when drinking and take steps to protect yourself. It sadly seems that there are still people out there that want to take advantage of us at our most vulnerable.

I have filed an official complaint and I hope that he is disciplined and re-trained in human behaviour and decency.

I hope that the complaint is taken seriously and I pray another intoxicated and vulnerable woman isn’t left in his care. I am fearful that he might take his desires too far.

I’m about to do my fifth lap of the house to check the doors and windows are locked, how dare he take away my right to feel safe. He may have felt he had power last night, but I have the power today. I am strong and I will move forward, you however will live through the consequences.

If this post raises issues for you, please consider contacting Lifeline on 13 11 14 for confidential help and support. If you, a child or anyone else is in danger, please call 000.

This is an edited version of a post first published on It has be republished here with full permission.


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